ADA Soldiers concoct good medicine for PT

By Sgt. Amanda H. HuntJune 4, 2020

A Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Soldier combines two vials of liquid to complete the last component of the physical training session May 29, 2020, on Medicine Bluffs at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. All Soldiers wore masks...
1 / 7 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Soldier combines two vials of liquid to complete the last component of the physical training session May 29, 2020, on Medicine Bluffs at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. All Soldiers wore masks after a simulated gas attack was initiated. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Amanda H. Hunt) VIEW ORIGINAL
A Soldier in Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery wears his protective mask as he participates in physical training  at Medicine Bluffs on Fort Sill,  May 29. Wearing masks added a challenging element while also keeping...
2 / 7 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A Soldier in Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery wears his protective mask as he participates in physical training at Medicine Bluffs on Fort Sill, May 29. Wearing masks added a challenging element while also keeping Soldiers in compliance with COVID-19 guidelines. The PT was reminiscent of The Jark run done by the old Artillery Officer Candidate School where Soldiers would run up Medicine Bluffs. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Amanda H. Hunt) VIEW ORIGINAL
Soldiers in Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery ascend a hill at the beginning of a physical training session at Medicine Bluffs on Fort Sill, Oklahoma, May 29, 2020.  Each Soldier carried a rock in their ruck sack and their...
3 / 7 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Soldiers in Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery ascend a hill at the beginning of a physical training session at Medicine Bluffs on Fort Sill, Oklahoma, May 29, 2020. Each Soldier carried a rock in their ruck sack and their protective mask. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Amanda H. Hunt) VIEW ORIGINAL
Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Soldiers descend a hill before running up another during a physical training session at Medicine Bluffs May 29, 2020. Along the route, they collected clues to help them decipher a code at...
4 / 7 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Soldiers descend a hill before running up another during a physical training session at Medicine Bluffs May 29, 2020. Along the route, they collected clues to help them decipher a code at the end of the run. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Amanda H. Hunt) VIEW ORIGINAL
Soldiers in Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery, carry items they collected along the route of their training run May 29, 2020, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
5 / 7 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Soldiers in Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery, carry items they collected along the route of their training run May 29, 2020, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Amanda Hunt) VIEW ORIGINAL
A Cerberus Battery Soldier attempts to decode a message during a physical training session high atop Medicine Bluffs, May 29, 2020, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The message told Soldiers which keys to use to unlock a box.
6 / 7 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A Cerberus Battery Soldier attempts to decode a message during a physical training session high atop Medicine Bluffs, May 29, 2020, at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The message told Soldiers which keys to use to unlock a box. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Amanda H. Hunt) VIEW ORIGINAL
Cerberus Battery, 5-5th ADA Soldiers open a previously locked box during a physical training session May 29, 2020, at Medicine Bluffs on Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Included in the contents of the box were diet soda and candy.
7 / 7 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Cerberus Battery, 5-5th ADA Soldiers open a previously locked box during a physical training session May 29, 2020, at Medicine Bluffs on Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Included in the contents of the box were diet soda and candy. (Photo Credit: Sgt. Amanda H. Hunt) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT SILL, Okla., June 4, 2020 -- Cerberus Battery, 5th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery conducted a unique physical training session May 29, on Medicine Bluffs on Fort Sill.

The Soldiers, unaware of the entirety of the task, were equipped with their weapon, protective mask, and a hand-painted rock in their rucksacks. Capt. Jordan Henrickson briefed the mission, and then Cerberus Battery split into four teams and began the steep ascent to the first bluff at sunrise.

The command team of Cerberus Battery, Henrickson and 1st Sgt. Jason Abitua, always seeks to change the culture by taking care of Soldiers while pushing them mentally and physically.

Henrickson began planning for a run along the hills of the Medicine Bluffs early in 2020 before COVID-19. Because of the pandemic, this was the first battery physical training session since February.

At the end of the running route, there was a locked box rigged with candy and diet soda. To unlock it, Soldiers had to pick up clues along the route that would help them decode a message.

The message would enable Soldiers to choose the right keys to open the box.

In addition, the box held vials of red and blue liquids that had to be combined to complete the task. According to Henrickson’s overall storyline, the combined vials would be a cure for a virus. Ironically, his idea sprouted before COVID-19, but once the pandemic came about, he added a new detail to the story: the vials would be a cure for the pandemic.

After solving the code, Cerberus Battery walked down the bluffs, through the woods, and across a creek to lay their hand-painted rocks at Cerberus Point. Henrickson wanted to provide a way for present and future Cerberus Soldiers to remember those who came before them while also forwarding the legacy of Cerberus Battery.

Cerberus Battery is Pvt. Herman Palacios’s first unit. He said that even though his family is in Guam, Cerberus feels like family to him.

Despite being exhausted running up and down hills with his protective mask donned and accidentally sitting on a cactus, Palacios said the session taught him that they all needed to work together to accomplish a task.

Palacios said his favorite part was walking down the hill to Cerberus Point, laughing and smiling with his teammates. He laid a black rock engraved with his rank and name.

When Spc. Wesley Thao was instructed to paint a small rock gold, he thought it was a crazy idea. Regardless, he painted it and wrote his name and rank on it.

He said he enjoyed the run because of the unique location, which many Soldiers never have the chance to enjoy. It was difficult for him, though, especially since he was tasked with carrying a water jug.

In spite of the challenge, Thao said he felt the event was something special, and the rock made sense when he learned that he would lay it at Cerberus Point.

“Cerberus Battery is definitely a special place,” Thao said. “We do different things.”

Spc. Bryan Ickes said it felt good to see everyone together again and the event inspired him to be a leader so he can ensure his future Soldiers have training sessions that are fun, different, and motivating.

Abitua said it was gratifying to see Cerberus Battery together again and to watch his Soldiers excel.

He and Henrickson were especially surprised by how quickly the Soldiers ran up the hills.

At the end, Abitua laid his rock alongside his Soldiers’ rocks. In addition to his rank, name, and call sign, he also wrote, “Best job I ever had!”

“You’ll be Cerberus forever,” Abitua said, “no matter where you go.”

What’s next for Cerberus Battery?

Battery leaders are in the planning stage to focus on basic soldiering skills and to conduct a field training exercise in September, said Henrickson.