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National Nurses Week: Ansbach Army Health Clinic values, supports nurses

By Amy StorkMay 5, 2020

National Nurses Week: Ansbach Army Health Clinic values, supports nurses
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Ronda Johnson, a Licensed Practical Nurse for the Ansbach Army Health Clinic, prepares the fluid used for fit testing of the N95 mask. This testing checks for sensitivity to sweet and bitter fluids so that medical personnel can be fitted with the appropriate mask. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL
National Nurses Week: Ansbach Army Health Clinic values, supports nurses
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Staff Sgt. Melvin Martinez, Ancillary Services non-commissioned officer in charge, sprays Staff Sgt. Maria Gragedea, Dental Clinic non-commissioned officer in charge, with the bitter fluid solution so that she can taste it prior to being fitted for her N95 mask during a fit testing at the Ansbach Army Health Clinic. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL
National Nurses Week: Ansbach Army Health Clinic values, supports nurses
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Staff Sgt. Melvin Martinez, Ancillary Services non-commissioned officer in charge, explains to Staff Sgt. Maria Gragedea, Dental Clinic non-commissioned officer in charge, how to better form the N95 mask to her face so their are no gaps during a fit testing at the Ansbach Army Health Clinic. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL
National Nurses Week: Ansbach Army Health Clinic values, supports nurses
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Staff Sgt. Melvin Martinez, Ancillary Services non-commissioned officer in charge, completes the final step in the N95 fit testing for Staff Sgt. Maria Gragedea, Dental Clinic non-commissioned officer in charge. This requires a hood be placed over the head to determine sensitivity. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL

ANSBACH, Germany (May 5, 2020) – A profession that requires compassion and patience, Nurses do so much more than care for those who are sick. They provide support to their fellow nurses and the doctors they work for.

National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6 and ends on May 12. However, the World Health Organization designated 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse and Midwife,” to honor the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale, the world’s most famous nurse.

The Ansbach Army Health Clinic is celebrating National Nurses Week this year by highlighting the 11 nurses that support the U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach community.

“Each nurse usually has about 500 patients that they are caring for,” said Lt. Col. Randy Viray, Chief Nurse. “Our biggest challenge specifically in Ansbach is that we are a small clinic so we are a small team.”

Even as a small team, they know their worth, even if they are not always recognized for it.

“We are definitely the people that make a huge difference in the patient’s lives and family members lives because we are with them probably more than any other profession,” said Cpt. SvetlanaConnor, Clinical Nurse Officer in Charge. “If you do shift work, you are with that patient for 12 hours verses a doctor that pops in for a few minutes. So we have a huge impact, and I think it’s a good reminder for all of us nurses to remember that.”

It has been an especially hard time on the medical field during the COVID-19 epidemic. Circumstances demand physical distancing, but nurses are used to be hands-on and seeing patients face-to-face. However, the clinic has been innovative in ensuring the care of the community.

Viray said the clinic ensured the nurses were paired with specific doctors so that on the days the doctors needed to see patients, those nurses were called in from teleworking. But, that doesn’t mean patient care stops.

“While they are on telework they are caring for their [patient load], doing a lot of virtual appointments, talking to their patients,” he said.

Dr. Nanda, Medical Director, said doctors could not provide such safe and quality healthcare to the patients within the community with the nurses.

“Life is easy with these nurses. Nurses have picked up so much of the workload,” he said. “They are putting everything in the computer, talking to the labs … and during the procedure, guess who is holding your hand; the nurse.”

The Ansbach Army Health Clinic provides ambulatory care for more than 6,000 local Soldiers, civilians and family members.