ATC Engineer recognized as top in his field by NDIA

By Heather RoelkerMay 1, 2020

Cory Hubbard, an engineer and lead test officer for Direct Fire testing at U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center (ATC), is presented a letter and pin for 30 years of federal service from ATC commander, COL John Hall, May 2019. Hubbard is the recipient of...
Cory Hubbard, an engineer and lead test officer for Direct Fire testing at U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center (ATC), is presented a letter and pin for 30 years of federal service from ATC commander, COL John Hall, May 2019. Hubbard is the recipient of the 2019 National Defense Industrial Association Army Government Civilian Tester of the Year, recognizing his contributions to the professional discipline of test and evaluation. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Cory Hubbard will tell you that 2019 was a very good year.

Hubbard, an engineer and lead test officer for Direct Fire testing at U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center (ATC), celebrated 30 years of federal service and recently learned he is the recipient of the 2019 National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Army Government Civilian Tester of the Year.

The Test & Evaluation Division of NDIA selected Hubbard for the award from among 17 nominees, recognizing his contributions to the professional discipline of test and evaluation.

“This award is such an honor,” Hubbard said. “It’s really great to be recognized for the effort put forth.”

ATC is designated the Department of Defense lead test center for Direct Fire testing. As lead for the program, Hubbard has had a direct impact on readiness and modernization to include programs supporting Army Futures Command, to include testing the main armament of the Next Generation Combat Vehicle. Hubbard also manages ammunition surveillance testing to ensure the ammunition inventory meets current safety standards and is testing new designs meant to extend the life of 120mm gun tubes.

“All projects provide our Soldiers with the best and most reliable ammunition and weapons in the world,” Hubbard said.

The recognition comes as no surprise to Hubbard’s supervisor, Steve Bodenschatz, Chief of ATC’s Armaments and Munitions Test Branch, who said it’s just further proof of what he has come to expect from Hubbard.

“Cory’s accomplishments in 2019 were typical of his performance every year,” Bodenschatz said. “He has been one of ATC’s elite for a long time now, and this award is a reflection of Cory’s day-in and day-out achievements.”

Hubbard is not just a good engineer and project manager, but is also a leader in the direct fire test community and among his team, Bodenschatz added, noting Hubbard regularly receives acknowledgement from customers for a job well done.

“He leads by example on the range while mentoring new engineers,” said Bodenschatz. “He is a team player that can work with all the ATC elements to accomplish the mission.”

Formed in 1991, the Test and Evaluation Division of NDIA focuses on issues relating to test and evaluation of major defense systems and building of partnerships between government and industry. Joe Manas, current chair of the NDIA Test and Evaluation Division, feels the Division’s award program is important to the test and evaluation community.

“Recognizing individuals for their accomplishments through the award process highlights the importance and impact the Test and Evaluation workforce has on our defense programs,” Manas said.

The annual NDIA Test & Evaluation conference, along with its award ceremony, provide a unique opportunity for the community to discuss best policies, practices, products and technology in testing, Manas added.

“NDIA Test and Evaluation looks forward to continuing to work with each of the services to advance our collective community,” Manas said. “Recognizing the great men and women providing essential test services is an important role for our organization and we’re honored to do it.”

The NDIA will recognize Hubbard during the 35th Annual Test and Evaluation Conference awards luncheon, scheduled for the fall.

When asked what lessons he learned in 2019, Hubbard acknowledged a greater respect for time management as he balanced multiple, complex programs.

“2019 also reminded me that without an awesome, core group of workers around you, success is very hard to achieve,” Hubbard said. “I am truly blessed to have some of the best coworkers in the world by my side day in and day out.”

Even in this moment of celebration for his accomplishments, Hubbard continues to mentor those around him. His recommendation for up-and-coming test officers? Make the best of every situation and work together.