207th MIB-T Changes Responsibility

By Katie GloverApril 18, 2020

Col. Bryan M. Love, commander, 207th Military Intelligence Brigade --...
Col. Bryan M. Love, commander, 207th Military Intelligence Brigade --
Theater (MIB-T), stands at attention as Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Timme symbolically passes the colors, and Sgt. Maj. Elsi InoaSantos, the brigade's operation sergeant major, narrates. The
207th MIB-T conducted the ceremony amid social distancing requirements of COVID-19, as Timme relinquished responsibility to Command Sgt. Maj. Kevin Austin. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army Spc. Tyberius Jones) (Photo Credit: Katie Glover)

VICENZA, Italy – Key leaders and family members joined at the Headquarters, 207th Military Intelligence Brigade - Theater (MIB-T), for an abbreviated and socially-distanced change of responsibility ceremony, Apr. 17.

Command Sgt. Maj. Kevin Austin, who most recently served as the 303rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Military Intelligence Brigade command sergeant major in Fort Hood, Texas assumed responsibility of the 207th MIB-T from Command Sgt. Major Michael Timme.

The 207th MIB-T, often called the Lightning Brigade, supports U.S. Army Africa (USARAF) and U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) through intelligence collection, analysis and exploitation.

While taking responsibility of the brigade, Austin focused the event on the gratitude he has to each person who impacted his career.

"The work is the reward in this profession," said Austin. "I owe a debt of gratitude to all those NCOs and officers who have prepared me.”

Due to the pandemic, members of the 522nd Military Intelligence Battalion, Wiesbaden, Germany took part in the event virtually. And, USARAF’s representation came from one key leader, Command Sgt. Maj. Charles Gregory, USARAF’s command sergeant major, who served as the distinguished guest.

In lieu of an official passing of the unit’s colors, a symbol of the change of responsibility, Timme placed the colors in a stand. Col. Bryan Love, 207th MIB-T commander, then placed the colors in a second stand. Finally, Austin placed the colors back in the original stand, next to the U.S. Flag.

During his remarks, Love welcomed the new command sergeant major.

"He has had a distinguished military career, and has had many positions of trust throughout the MI community,” said Love of Austin. “We look forward  to the new heights you are going to take the brigade, and will shape the moments of many.”

Love also reflected on the impact Timme had on the brigade nearly-half decade of service.

"He advised commanders on all aspects of intelligence operations, intelligence disciplines, and this resulted in the successful deployment of over 400 soldiers in support of eight SECDEF named operations, which were in 20 of 53 nation in Africa," said Love. “He enabled the brigade to partner with the French, the Brits, the Italians, increasing intelligence sharing and assisting their operations against violent extremists in Africa.

The change of responsibility ceremony was a reflection for Timme, who became a member of the brigade prior to its reactivation.

“You as a team have accomplished so much in the short 49 months since our reactivation,” said Timme.

“A measure of success is how well a team comes together during adversity,” Timme continued, acknowledging these unprecedented times. “This team has come together in a phenomenal way.”

The 207th MIB-T is the newest brigade in INSCOM, activating on March 16, 2016 to counter security threats focused in the continent of Africa. The brigade includes the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, and the 307th MI Battalion, both in Vicenza, Italy, the 522nd MI Battalion in Wiesbaden, Germany, and operational control of 337th MI Battalion in Fort Sheridan, Illinois.