Getting Soldiers ready to grade the new Army Combat Fitness Test

By Mr. Scott Wakefield (TACOM)March 5, 2020

Maj. Piestrasz
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Maj. Pietrasz hex bar
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Maj. Pietrasz medicine ball
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Maj. Pietrasz leg lift
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The Integrated Logistics Support Center's Materiel Fielding and Training directorate within the Tank-automotive and Armaments Command executes the fielding of new Army equipment and trains Soldiers and civilians who maintain that equipment.

Staff Sgt. Crystal Plascencia, MF&T logistician, breaks it down a little more simply. "We provide sustainable readiness, making sure the Army is ready to fight 24/7."

Sometimes, however, they are asked to provide readiness and training to Soldier's in other ways outside the materiel arena, like Army physical fitness.

Plascencia is one of two non-commissioned officers within TACOM who is qualified to train and certify Soldiers and civilians on grading and setting up for the new Army Combat Fitness Test.

"We plan to run monthly ACFT grader classes until every Soldier at the Detroit Arsenal is certified," Plascencia said.

She is primarily responsible for training graders and Sgt. 1st Class Rainnier Tecson, another logistician, certifies officers and NCOs who will be responsible for setting up the ACFT lanes.

Recently, Plascencia conducted her first monthly training to certify five Soldiers and one civilian to grade the test.

This training included a class-room orientation on the policies and standards; instructor led lane training on correct form, safety, and administration; oral and written exams; and student orientation to the ACFT.

The participants were also required to take an ACFT diagnostic run through.

One of those participants was Maj. David Pietrasz, an assistant program manager in Program Executive Office Combat Support and Combat Service Support at the Detroit Arsenal. It was his first time taking the ACFT under the approved initial operating program of record.

"I think it's harder than the original test," he said.

Although he did well in all the categories, there were areas he felt that body type would play a big role in doing well at due to the physical requirements.

"The 'spring, drag, carry' is the most demanding event," Pietrasz said, "however, the leg tuck is probably the most challenging for me."

The ACFT, which is designed to better connect fitness with combat readiness for all Soldiers, will become the Army's official physical fitness test Oct 1.