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Community forum focuses on Army Family Housing improvements

By Rachel Berry, 403d AFSBJanuary 15, 2020

Community forum focuses on Army Family Housing improvements
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Community forum focuses on Army Family Housing improvements
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USAG Daegu, Republic of Korea -- The first Area IV Community Information Gathering of the new year was held at Camp Walker's Evergreen Club Jan. 14. More than 80 community members, staff and senior leaders attended the CIG, which also included a Quarterly Housing Assessment as part of the Army Housing Campaign.

Maj. Thomas Douglas, acting housing manager, Directorate of Public Works, briefed attendees on recent housing upgrades and additions resulting from community forums and feedback received since the last quarterly assessment.

"Portable latrines are installed and ready for use, three of the seven barbecue grills have been installed, and a toddler slide is due for installation on Feb. 7," said Douglas. "The bike path is done and installed, so it connects the towers to the commissary, and guard rails are getting painted yesterday and today."

Douglas also briefed the timelines for the unaccompanied housing renovations on Camp Walker and Camp Carroll, and the ongoing issue of unscheduled alarms going off in the housing towers. There are no scheduled alarm tests, so residents are urged to contact the non-emergency fire department number at 0503-363-4115 when this occurs.

Garrison Commander Col. Edward J. Ballanco said "be descriptive of where the alarm is going off, who you are, and what time it is, and we'll get over there." Without detailed reporting it's difficult for DPW to pinpoint the problem.

Tower resident Jeremy Clifton said this was the first CIG he had attended in person as he normally participates through Facebook Live. He felt the information provided was very beneficial and voiced his concern over a recurring issue.

"Dog owners are not taking their dogs to proper areas to use the bathroom and not cleaning up after them. Pets are still going in elevators, walkways and right in front of the entrance to the tower," said Clifton.

The CIG is a monthly forum between garrison leaders and Area IV community members that facilitates open communication and idea sharing to improve quality of life while highlighting USAG Daegu as the assignment of choice in Korea.

The next CIG is scheduled for Feb. 11 at the Evergreen Club.