8th TSC Thanksgiving Holiday Safety Message

By U.S. ArmyNovember 27, 2019

Thanksgiving starts the holiday season for most of us and 2019 has been an exciting and

challenging year across the 8th Theater Sustainment Command (8TSC)! We should take time to reflect on a successful year and enjoy this holiday season with our Family and friends. However, even during this time of celebration, we must ensure that readiness remains our top priority by being mindful of safety and force protection.

Whether you are traveling or staying in your local area, be prepared for the wide range of hazards associated with the season; extended travel, icy roads on the Big Island and mainland, high surf, strong currents and alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, motorcycle and automobile accidents remain the number one killer of our Soldiers during the holiday season. When driving or riding, be prudent, be alert, be patient, be sober, and use your Personal Protective Equipment!

Soldiers and Families are more susceptible to depressive thoughts and actions during the holiday

season. Leader engagement is essential to managing risks and maintaining awareness. Be especially attentive to those who are struggling with personal issues and ensure everyone knows where to seek assistance at any time. Stay safe this season by looking out for each other and taking care of your

teammates. Persistent vigilance mitigates associated risks during the holiday season and can save lives.

Thank you for your continued support to our Nation and our missions across the Pacific. We would not be successful without you. CSM Chaplin and I wish you and your Families all the best this holiday season! Use the thousands of K.I.S.S. Safety Tips covering Airports to Zip-Lines on the front page of 8TSC NIPR portal or at https://army.deps.mil/Army/sites/8tsc/SpStaff/Safety/SitePages/K.I.S.STips.aspx.

We want the 8TSC team to maintain a sound balance between work and off-duty/Family time. Have safe, enjoyable and meaningful holiday season! SUSTAIN THE FORCE! STAY SAFE!

The proponent for this memorandum is the 8TSC Safety office, Mr. Tim Ah Young-Shelton at (808) 787-1080 or timothy.r.ahyoung-shelton.civ@mail.mil.