Author's love of history leads to book publishing

By Alexandra SheaNovember 14, 2019

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

A one-time Soldier turned Department of Defense employee has taken his love of history to new heights as a published author.

David Galassie began writing while living with his wife in Menasha, Wisconsin. During his time in the quaint lakefront town, Galassie spent much of his time researching genealogy, or the study of a specific family name.

His love of history led him to write and publish two books that explored the history of his beloved town. The books became a popular staple in the town and were so attractive to tourists surrounding towns began following Galassie's lead and creating historical books of their own.

Soon after the books published, Galassie joined the Adjutant General School located at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indiana, as a human resource specialist. He later moved to Columbia, South Carolina, after the school moved to the post in 1995. It was at Fort Jackson that Galassie decided to write another book.

"It was suggested by my wife," Galassie said. "She said, 'Why don't you do a book about Fort Jackson?'"

Galassie said he was aware of the table book about Fort Jackson assembled by the museum staff in celebration of the post's 100th anniversary, but said he wanted to create something smaller and more accessible to the general public.

This lead him to create his book titled "Images of America, Fort Jackson." The portable, 120-page book contains photos of the post from as early as 1917 when the fort was still named Camp Jackson to modern day 2018.

So, instead of traditional ads with Soldiers kicking in doors or jumping out of helicopters, What's Your Warrior pivots toward the wide-array of military occupational specialties that don't necessarily engage on the frontlines - like bio-chemists or cyber-operators.

The campaign will unfold throughout the year with new, compelling, and real-Soldier stories meant for "thumb-stopping experiences," Fink explained, regarding mobile platforms.

And, with so many unique Army career fields to choose from, Fink believes the force offers something to match all the distinctive skillsets needed from future Soldiers.

One of the vignettes featured is Capt. Erika Alvarado, a mission element leader for the Army Reserve's Cyber Protection Team, where she is on the frontlines of today's cyber warfare.

Her story - along with others - will tell the Army mission more abundantly, something previous marketing strategies "didn't do the best job of," Fink admitted.

"Young adults already know the ground combat role we play. We need to surprise them with the breadth and depth of specialties in the Army," Fink said. "This campaign is different than anything the Army has done in the past - or any other service - in terms of look and feel."

The backbone of the new push isn't just showing the multitude of unique Army branches - such as Alvarado's story. It goes beyond that, he said, and is meant to show how individual branches come together as one team to become something greater than themselves - a sentiment their research says Gen Z is looking for.