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Army HRC prepares AG leaders for command and key positions during AG Pre-Command Course

By CourtesyNovember 12, 2019

Army HRC prepares AG leaders for command and key positions during AG Pre-Command Course
Maj. Gen. Joseph Calloway, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, commanding general, gives a briefing to officers and NCOs selected to be the Army's newest Human Resources leaders during the Adjutant General Pre-Command course conducted at Fort Knox, Ke... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT KNOX, Ky. -- More than a dozen officers and noncommissioned officers centrally selected to be the Army's newest human resource leaders just completed the week-long Adjutant General Pre-Command Course that will prepare them for their next assignments leading battalion and brigade command teams, or serving as corps and division-level G-1s.

Conducted here at U.S. Army Human Resources Command on behalf of the Soldier Support Institute at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, the course produces senior HR leaders who are doctrinally sound and technically proficient in planning and executing HR distribution, strategic talent management, information technology, Soldier programs and services Army wide to enable the Army to deploy, fight and win our Nation's wars.

The mission of the SSI, which falls under Training and Doctrine Command and is part of the Sustainment Center of Excellence, is to train, educate and grow professional HR and financial management leaders.

"Bottom line - the Army is a people-based organization and the core of being in command or in a G-1 billet is to lead and take care of Soldiers, Families and their units," said former HRC Chief of Staff Col. Holly Gay, who served as the course's senior mentor. "This course ensures that these officers and sergeants major have the tools and training they need to succeed and develop cohesive, professional teams that are highly trained, disciplined, and ready to fight and win."

The course focuses on HR doctrine, policies, and processes; command team building, preparation for command, and leader development with the goal of producing senior HR leaders who demonstrate character, accountability, resilience, adaptability, initiative, and sound judgment. In addition, the course prepares them to be trusted advisors to senior Army leaders, Soldiers and Families; highly skilled coaches, counselors, mentors, and advisors; and critical and creative thinkers capable of solving sometimes ambiguous problems.

Maj. Gen. Joseph Calloway, HRC commanding general, told the incoming HR leaders that they are now at a point in their careers where they are some of the Army's most important talent managers.

"You are the people determining who's [going to replace you in the future]. That's probably one of the top two or three jobs that you now have as battalion and brigade-level commanders and command sergeants major, or centrally-selected G-1s," Calloway said. [You have to] figure out who the people are with the most potential, and how you mentor and advocate for them to ensure they remain in the hunt to be where you are four to eight years from now."

HRC has been teaching the AG Pre-Command course since 2015 and conducts three courses annually for all officers and sergeants major selected for command.