Make your voice heard -- Housing survey important to meeting residents' needs

By Jim Hughes, Fort Rucker Public AffairsNovember 8, 2019

(Editor's note: Some information in this article was pulled from a U.S. Army Press Release available at

Fort Rucker housing residents have the opportunity to let their voices be heard via a survey due to hit people's email inboxes in mid-November.

After eight months of efforts and initiatives across the Army to improve housing conditions, residents of U.S. Army family housing will have another chance to rate the quality of housing and housing services in 2019 as the Army prepares to launch two more surveys -- one on Army-owned and -leased housing, and one on privatized housing, according to Army officials.

And it's critical that all Fort Rucker housing residents take advantage of this opportunity, said Maj. Gen. David J. Francis, U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Rucker commanding general.

"Soldiers are the strength of our Army," the general said. "Providing quality, safe, and healthy living conditions is a commitment our Army makes with our Soldiers and their families. We have been working hard to fix areas of concern and improve the shortcomings that have been identified within family housing here at Fort Rucker.

"So, feedback with the housing surveys is critical. We want to hear both -- what we still need to improve, as well as what we are doing right," Francis continued. "This will allow us to focus on the areas that are the most important and are still issues of concern with our residents here at Fort Rucker. So, whether you are happy with our housing here on the installation or if you still have issues that need correcting, I encourage you to please take a few minutes to participate in the surveys."

The surveys were emailed Nov. 7 for Army-managed housing. For privatized housing, the surveys will go out Nov. 12. CEL & Associates Inc., an independent third-party organization, will administer the survey for the Army. The email will be from Earlier this year, CEL & Associates emailed housing surveys to nearly 100,000 residents.

The purpose of the surveys, both of which will be open through Dec. 13, is to receive firsthand accounts of what Soldiers and their families find important in Army housing and to gauge satisfaction with property-management services, according to Col. Whitney B. Gardner, Fort Rucker garrison commander.

"Our leaders here at Fort Rucker are 100 percent dedicated to providing our Soldiers and families a high quality of standard living," he said. "We are never satisfied, and want to continue improving communication and the housing maintenance process while capitalizing success in all other areas.

"We want to know where we are doing well and how we are meeting our residents' expectations," Gardner continued. "I highly encourage all our families that live here at Fort Rucker to complete the upcoming housing survey. Please provide feedback -- positive or negative."

Corvias officials also feel the survey is important, said Melissa Bryson, Corvias Fort Rucker operations director.

"Corvias is committed to providing its customers with the best service and we want our customers to be proud to call Fort Rucker home," she said. "The survey is completely confidential and provides all housing residents with a voice to share what is most important to them.

"It should take less than five minutes to complete," Bryson said. "Survey questions rate residents' satisfaction with the condition of the community, management team, maintenance services, amenities and overall satisfaction with on post living."

She said the information collected will be used to drive current and future resources to ensure Corvias meets the ever-changing needs of "our valuable customers."

The survey will be sent to the primary email account listed on file with Corvias, Bryson said. If residents do not receive the email notification or have a different email account than listed with Corvias, they should contact CEL & Associates at and include Fort Rucker and their full address.

"We appreciate residents taking the time to complete this survey," she added. "Our onsite team is available to answer any additional questions and can be reached by calling 334-440-8988."