CAMP TAJI, Iraq - Chief Warrant Officer 3 Nicole Matteson, 108th Sustainment Brigade, Illinois Army National Guard Soldier, received the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM) on Aug. 20, 2019, while deployed to Camp Taji, Iraq, in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
The MOVSM recognizes members of the military, including Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve, who perform substantial volunteer service to the local community above and beyond duties required by the U.S. Armed Forces. This service must be sustained and direct in nature, significant, produce tangible results, and reflect favorably on the military service and the Department of Defense.
Matteson volunteered at the Boy Scouts of America, Abraham Lincoln Council, Cub Scout Pack 38 in Springfield, Illinois, from January 2015 through November 2018. She led weekly meetings, organized community service events, and monthly fundraising efforts. She assisted multiple Cub Scouts transition through the ranks from Webelos to the Arrow of Light.
Her Scouts collected and donated hundreds of pounds of nonperishable food products to the Inner City Mission, volunteered numerous hours visiting residents of the Concordia Retirement facility and the Mary Bryant Home for the Blind.
Matteson was part of the launch of Cub Scout Pack 38's program for girls which led to the Boy Scouts of America chartering Troop 38, Springfield's first all-girls troop in February 2019.
"Chief Matteson has been the epitome of selfless volunteerism. She dedicated countless hours and made a tremendous impact in the lives of the boys and girls in Pack 38," said Maj. Timothy Johnson, 108th Sustainment Brigade deputy commander. "Her commitment to her Scouts, local charities, and assisted living communities is a significant testament to her unequaled commitment to the welfare of others within the civilian community."
Matteson has served in the Illinois Army National Guard since April 1994, and assigned to the 108th Sustainment Brigade in June 2018. The 108th is conducting a logistics advisory mission building partner capabilities in the Iraqi Army.
"When Chief Matteson joined our team, we had five months to prepare for our deployment. One of her first concerns was ensuring she identified a new Den Leader for her Scouts, and was able to meet our initial training requirements and her commitments to the Scouts," said Col. Justin Osberg, 108th Sustainment Brigade commander. "Her willingness to coordinate additional training outside of our normal schedule to ensure she met our pre-mobilization training requirements and her commitments to the Scouts speaks to her character and selfless service."
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