Detroit Arsenal EEO Officer graduates Emerging Enterprise Leader Program

By Mrs. Lisa Klebba (IMCOM)July 31, 2019

Detroit Arsenal Melissa Kleehammer graduates the Emerging Enterprise Leader Program
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Karen Perkins, Director IMCOM G1, hosted the Installation Management Command's Emerging Enterprise Leader Program graduation of its first cohort June 20.

The Detroit Arsenal Equal Employment Opportunity Officer Melissa Kleehammer completed the program and was in the inaugural graduation class.

The EEL program is a two year formal development program for GS 11-12 or equivalent. Each participant is required to complete four modules in the areas of self-development, mentoring, developmental assignment and team-based problem solving.

The program kicked off July 2017, with 20 participants. They began with an orientation and a week-long agenda which provided guidance for the next two years. Following orientation, participants were required to complete a number of Dale Carnegie classes. The cohort was also required to complete reading and writing assignments on leadership.

During the next few months, each individual was paired with a mentor from another organization/location within IMCOM. These pairings may not have been directly related to the participant's current position, but was meant to develop the mentee in an area where they might be unfamiliar and enhance their current role within IMCOM.

The final portion of the program grouped the individuals into teams to complete a team-based problem that currently affects IMCOM's workforce, such as professional development opportunities, programs and classes. Upon complete of the EEL program, all participants were brought together to present their projects to IMCOM senior leaders along with courses of action.

The second EEL cohort kicked off in January 2019 with 25 selected participants attending EEL orientation and training. Cohort 2 is currently in the self-development phase. The EEL mentors for cohort 2 are currently attending the training from July 29 through Aug. 1. A pairing between mentor/mentee will follow.