Coalition, Iraqi Forces Capture Anti-Iraqi Forces, Find Weapons Caches

By American Forces Press ServiceMarch 14, 2007

Coalition, Iraqi Forces Capture Anti-Iraqi Forces, Find Weapons Caches
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Coalition, Iraqi Forces Capture Anti-Iraqi Forces, Find Weapons Caches
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WASHINGTON (American Forces Press Service, March 13, 2007) - Coalition and Iraqi security forces captured or killed dozens of suspected insurgents, and insurgents killed more than 20 civilians in several attacks over the past few days in Iraq, military officials reported.

Coalition forces captured 22 suspected terrorists during operations today targeting al Qaeda and foreign fighter facilitators.

During operations in Mosul, coalition forces captured four suspected terrorists allegedly involved in the planning of IED attacks on friendly forces.

A senior foreign fighter facilitator was captured north of Habbaniyah, and two suspects who are reportedly involved in weapons facilitation were detained in Baghdad.

Northeast of Tarmiyah, coalition forces captured 13 suspected terrorists with alleged involvement in weapons movement and foreign fighter facilitation.

South of Amiriyah, two suspected terrorists with alleged ties to foreign fighter facilitation and weapons movement were also detained.

"Coalition forces will continue deliberate and methodical operations in order to pursue, capture or kill terrorists trying to prevent a peaceful and stable Iraq," said Army Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, Multinational Force Iraq spokesman.

Elsewhere, at least 20 people were killed and 11 others were wounded when insurgents launched several attacks in the Rusafa security district of the Iraqi capital yesterday.

At about 11 a.m., Iraqi police officers reported that a car bomb detonated, wounding one Iraqi officer. Iraqi police quickly cordoned, secured and cleared the attack area.

In a separate incident, the 9th Iraqi Army Division reported a suicide bomber attack on a bus several blocks from the Mustansiriyah University at 12:20 a.m. Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, responded and secured the scene, reporting seven Iraqi civilians killed and five wounded.

About two hours after the initial attack, a second car bomb detonated near a checkpoint in the Karradah peninsula area in eastern Baghdad. A separate unit from 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, responded and reported 13 Iraqi civilians killed and six wounded.

In all three incidents, Iraqi emergency services responded and aided in transporting the wounded to a nearby hospital.

In another operation, special Iraqi army forces captured nine suspected insurgents during operations with coalition advisors yesterday in Abaychi. The operation targeted an insurgent network believed responsible for providing weapons and tactics training to insurgents, foreign fighters and terrorists in the Tarmiyah area of Salah ad Din province.

The network reportedly trains insurgents and terrorists from Ansar al Sunna, al Qaeda in Iraq and other insurgent groups participating in sectarian attacks against Iraqi civilians, Iraqi security forces and coalition forces, officials said. Iraqi forces targeted the network's leadership, trainers, financiers and weapons suppliers.

During entry into one objective, ground forces came under small-arms fire from the roof of a nearby building. Iraqi forces identified one hostile fighter firing at ground forces and engaged the threat, killing the gunman. Another hostile fighter firing at ground forces was wounded by Iraqi forces. An Iraqi female with a leg wound and the hostile fighter were treated by coalition medics.

During movement to another objective, a supporting coalition forces aircraft observed several individuals moving to gain a tactical advantage over the Iraqi and coalition ground forces. The group established a possible ambush position and disregarded several warnings from ground forces to leave the area. The group remained in position, displaying clear hostile intent against ground forces, despite several warning shots. The group was engaged by a coalition forces aircraft, killing six insurgents.

In another area, Soldiers of the 4th Iraqi Army Division captured four suspects during operations with coalition advisors yesterday in Balad, targeting rogue militia elements. The suspects allegedly are involved in carrying out sectarian attacks against Iraqi civilians in the area.

The suspects are implicated in supplying weapons used by rogue elements to commit violence and other criminal activities. Iraqi forces detained five additional suspects forquestioning.

Near Fallujah, Iraqi police forces captured seven suspected insurgents during operations with coalition advisors yesterday in Saqlawiyah.

The suspects allegedly are responsible for conducting kidnappings and murders of Iraqi civilians they believe are working with coalition forces. The suspected insurgents are also implicated in hijacking and robbing Iraqi civilians in order to help finance their violent and criminal activities. Iraqi forces detained one additional suspect for questioning.

Elsewhere, one terrorist was killed and another was seriously wounded near Balad when an IED they were attempting to emplace detonated on them March 10.

The wounded man was taken to Tikrit hospital for treatment.

In a separate incident, a terrorist rocket exploded in a crowded parking garage near Kirkuk General Hospital March 10, killing three local citizens and wounding 39 others.

The early evening attack by insurgents sent at least one rocket into the city, landing within several hundred meters of Kirkuk General Hospital and into a crowd of weekend shoppers.

"We join the citizens of Kirkuk in condemning the actions of these terrorists," said Col. Patrick Stackpole, commander, 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, based in Kirkuk. "We also extend our sympathy to the families of the citizens killed and injured by this attack and commend the hospital's medical staff for their expertise in managing this traumatic event."

The hospital conducted an emergency recall of its medical staff, and within hours of the incident had treated the majority of the wounded.

Members of the 10th Mountain Division's 2nd Brigade Combat Team discovered three caches during security patrols, March 11.

-- Soldiers from Troop C, 1st Squadron, 89th Cavalry Regiment, found 11 57 mm anti-aircraft rounds, three rocket-propelled-grenade projectiles, a 122 mm artillery round, five 120 mm artillery rounds, three 60 mm mortar rounds, two 81 mm mortar rounds and one 105 mm artillery round north of Baghdad in the village of Kuresh.

-- Soldiers from the squadron's Troop A found a cache of bomb-making materials, including a detonation cord, two blasting caps, two hand-held radios, six washing machine timers, and assorted wires and batteries, southwest of the Baghdad airport.

-- Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, on a security patrol along the banks of the Euphrates River uncovered three 60 mm mortar tubes, one 82 mm round, two 60 mm rounds, 19 57 mm anti-aircraft rounds and two cans of linked 14.7 mm heavy machine gun rounds in Albu Faris, south of Baghdad.

In addition, Soldiers from the 4th Battalion, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, discovered seven 120 mm mortar rounds, 68 82 mm mortar rounds, 57 60 mm mortar rounds, 44 blasting caps, and one pound of TNT northwest of Mahmudiyah.

Explosive ordnance disposal teams destroyed the contents of all the caches.

On March 11, Iraqi and U.S. troops detained six suspected terrorists during raids on houses known to be used by extremists. Military officials said they deemed the mission a success since no shots were fired and no one was injured.

"Operations of this nature continue to demonstrate that the impartiality and capability of the Iraqi security force is on the rise," said Lt. Col. Kevin Dunlop, commander, 3rd Combined Arms Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment. "We're seeing that as extremist activity on all sides is curtailed, the conditions are being set for improved economic activity, which should result in increasing employment and prosperity."

Iraqi Soldiers also assisted U.S. Soldiers from the 25th Infantry Division in capturing seven insurgents during a raid of an ice cream factory in Hilla, Iraq. The servicemembers uncovered an AK-47 assault rifle, more than 100 rounds of ammunition, money and other items of interest. The detainees are being held for questioning.

(Compiled from Multinational Corps Iraq news releases.)