New Army out-processing procedures

By Amanda Ravenstein, 1st Inf. Div. PostMay 20, 2019

A policy change has been issued concerning tier two Soldiers receiving permanent change of station orders. A tier two Soldier is private to staff sergeant, second lieutenant to captain and warrant officer to chief warrant officer two.

When a Soldier arrives at the Central Clearing Agency, 217 Custer Ave., to complete out-processing procedures, in addition to their PCS orders and the Department of the Army Form 31 -- Request and Authority for Leave, a printed DA Form 5434 -- Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet, is now required to receive clearing papers.

"Sponsorship isn't a brand new requirement," said Angela Martin, Chief, Military Personnel Division, Directorate of Human Resources. "Before you can get your clearing papers, that part is new. However, the requirement to have a sponsor is not something new. That's been into effect for several years."

If a Soldier does not complete the DA 5434 form before arriving at the CCA they will still have the chance to do so.

"That's why we're going to have, in the out-processing section, a computer that will have a printer attached to it," she said. "Where they could, if they had not already gone on to the [Army Career Tracker] Portal, that they can go into the ACT Portal and do sections one, two, four and five, which takes just a few minutes."

To access the ACT Portal, Soldiers go to and sign in with their Common Access Card to reach the form.

There are few exceptions, Martin said.

"Soldiers going to PCS schools," she said. "Some MOS producing schools are six months or more so they're not required to do it. Soldiers on assignment to drill sergeant or recruiter assignments aren't required to do it either."

According to the notice on, this policy change supersedes any of the information in the drop down menus on the page.

For more information on the policy change, call Central Clearing Agency 785-239-0757.