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Leading With Compassion

By Sgt. Derrick BurnhamMay 2, 2019

He has an unshakably calm demeanor, a kind smile, and a soothing voice. He always has a positive greeting and endless words of encouragement and wisdom. He helps whomever he can and is a shining beacon of positivity and leadership wherever he goes.

Sergeant 1st Class David Moseley, of Warrens, Wisconsin, is a human resources noncommissioned officer in the 335th Signal Command (Theater) (Provisional) G1, and is the epitome of compassionate leadership.

Moseley, in addition to taking care of Soldier's personnel issues, loves teaching, mentoring, and building better Soldiers and future leaders. He finds comfort in leading, guiding, and helping others. Through that comfort, he portrays peace.

Moseley enlisted in the Army in October 2006 and trained as a watercraft operator. He spent three-and-a-half years on active duty stationed at Fort Eustis, Virginia, with the 7th Sustainment Brigade.

In October 2010, he transferred to the United States Army Reserve and changed his military occupational specialty to human resources specialist. He served in a number of units in various human resources positions during his time in the Army Reserve.

As a human resources NCO, Moseley helps Soldiers develop their Army careers by providing information and assistance on promotions, future training opportunities and requirements, and processing orders, awards, and other career-related documentation.

In pursuit of a way to better lead and mentor Soldiers, Moseley became a certified instructor for Soldier Support Institute, Human Resource schools in 2017. After obtaining his instructor certification, he taught the first phase of a human resources specialist re-classification course at Fort Knox, Kentucky, in June 2018.

"I really like instructing. I really like my MOS, and I really like teaching," said Moseley. "Being an instructor is a way of taking care of Soldiers."

According to a Sgt. 1st Class Resolve Savage, 335th SC (T)(P) future operations NCOIC, who is currently serving with him, Moseley " is a great mentor and leader. He is always willing to provide guidance and assistance. He is a true professional, and an expert in his field."

The Soldier continued, "His passion for assisting others is immediately apparent when you meet him, and his humility means that even if he doesn't know the correct answers to your questions, he will work with you to find them."

Moseley is also a man of faith. He devotes numerous hours to volunteer with the local unit ministry teams on Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. According to Savage, "he's one of the most religious people I've ever met." He is a musician and a singer, using those talents to bring joy to those around him during chapel services or at open mic or karaoke nights at the USO and MWR. Moseley also enjoys playing the keyboard. He competed in the Arifjan Idol karaoke contest, too.

When asked to provide some words of wisdom to junior leaders, Moseley said, "Be the best E-5 (sergeant) you can be."

Moseley believes that sergeant is the best rank for leadership because of the close connection to the junior Soldiers and the "ability to learn from the E6 (staff sergeant)."

Moseley feels that the old Army phrase "taking care of Soldiers" means more than it seems.

"I feel that 'taking care of Soldiers' means taking care of more than just your Soldiers, but taking care of the Soldiers around you. Taking care of the Soldiers within your squad or platoon can be a challenge in a number of ways."

He also says it is important to "listen to your Soldiers, truly listen."

"(You have to) be willing to listen to your Soldiers and find out if there are real problems or if there's something you can affect positively. Try to understand people's frame of reference," said Moseley. "As leaders, we can make decisions based on Army decisions, but without really understanding the Soldier's frame of reference, we may not know what's best for them. As an NCO you need to listen and help each Soldier as an individual."

Regardless of the situation in which he finds himself, Moseley is a calm, confident, and dedicated leader, putting the needs of not only his Soldiers, but any Soldiers around him, ahead of his own.

Moseley has been and will continue to be an example to subordinates and peers with whom he serves.

With a kind heart, honest words, and gentle disposition Moseley is a truly compassionate leader.

According to Chief Warrant Officer 3 Joshua Colon, 335th G1 human resource technician, Moseley's "dedication to each Soldier's individual issues and concern for the happiness of Soldiers is a true example of compassionate leadership. Moseley understands that without each individual Soldier, the mission would fail."