Scouts crossover to new troops

By Amanda Ravenstein, 1st Inf. Div. PostMay 1, 2019

Scouts crossover to new troops
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Scouts corssover to new troops
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At a ceremony for members of Cub Scout Troop 660, two achieved the highest award a Cub Scout can get, the Arrow of Light. This award is earned when the Scout is a Webelo just before they advance to Scouts BSA. The two Scouts are 10 year olds, Grace Martin and Liam Schuld.

Grace, daughter of Stephanie and 1st Lt. David Martin, 2nd Battalion, 70th Armor Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, started her Cub Scouting adventure in 2018 when girls were welcomed into the BSA organization's Cub and Scout programs, according to the ceremony program. She is looking forward to joining her troop and continuing to grow with the program.

Grace's ceremony consisted of her crossing the Arrow of Light bridge and receiving her new rank from Walter Moeller, Scoutmaster for Troop 264, Junction City, the first all-girl and newest troop in the Coronado Area Council.

"Grace is the eighth Scout we have had join our troop," he said. "And the third Arrow of Light recipient."

Amanda Porter, Cub Scout master for Pack 660, said Grace was the first female to receive the Arrow of Light award and crossover from their pack.

Liam joined Cub Scouts in 2015 as a Tiger Cub Scout in DuPont, Washington, according to the program but transferred to Pack 660 when his father Chief Warrant Officer 4 Matthew Schuld, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Inf. Div., was stationed at Fort Riley. Liam is ready to continue pursuing his path of Scouting with Troop 41, Junction City.

"Liam is an overachiever," Porter said. "Because he accomplished everything so quickly, Scouts is definitely where he needs to be. He loves the Scouts."

Liam's mother, Sherry said she was both excited and emotional to see him crossover into Scouts BSA.

"This has been a big deal," she said. "He joined in first grade when he was allowed to, because kindergarten wasn't an option, but he's been going ever since. He made a goal to try and get everything he could, and he's worked hard to do it."