'Eat right, perform well'

By Lt. Lucas Grudi, MS, RD; Nutrition Care Division; Eisenhower Army Medical CenterFebruary 21, 2019

'Eat right, perform well'
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Lt. Lucas Grudi, MS, RD

Nutrition Care Division

Eisenhower Army Medical Center

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics invites all Americans to celebrate healthy habits through National Nutrition Month each March. This year the Army plans to celebrate the month with a theme of "Eat Right, Perform Well."

The goal is to focus on choosing the best foods and beverages to heighten job performance, athletic performance and readiness. Along with adequate sleep and physical activity, proper nutrition can keep soldiers performing their best on and off the battlefield. Performance is not limited to elite athletes and high-speed soldiers, though. Eating right and hydrating properly can keep you functioning at a high level in whatever you do.

Army dining facilities use the "Go for Green" labeling system on foods and beverages to help patrons make informed decisions.

"Go for Green" is a stop-light style system. Each item is labeled either green, yellow or red, which indicates whether a food should be chosen often, occasionally or rarely, respectively. The goal of the program encourages selection of green foods, or food that can enhance performance and moods, and will help diners maintain a healthy body weight.

Other tips for eating right

• Include a wide variety of healthy foods:

• Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and lean dairy products

• Adjust your plate

• Make half fruits and vegetables

• Portion Control

• Be mindful of portion sizes and eat the right amount for you

• Don't drink your calories

• Drink more water and fewer sugar sweetened beverages

If you are interested in information about healthy eating and performance focused nutrition, look for upcoming National Nutrition Month events held in the hospital and on Fort Gordon.

Throughout the month of March, Eisenhower Army Medical Center's Nutrition Care Division will have a booth in Ike's Café with a different theme each week. Visit during regular lunch hours for handouts, giveaways and to speak with a dietitian -- the nutrition expert.

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Nutrition Month Events

• Nutrition Nugget of the Day

• Ike's Café nutrition booth

Week 1: Eat Right, Perform Well

Week 2: Chronic Disease Prevention

Week 3: Caffeine and Supplement Awareness

Week 4: Phytochemicals

• Performance Nutrition Class "Gaining the Tactical Edge"

• New products at the "Grab and Go"