Yongsan Library features free Wi-Fi hotspot

By Spc. Jason C. Adolphson (USAG-Yongsan)May 28, 2009

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/usag-yongsan/3568823874/" title="Yongsan Librarian Yi Sun-cha signs up Spc. Ed Manola for a free Wi-Fi access password May 21 at the Yongsan Library. Manola gets a day of unlimited Internet service to interact online with his family in Dallas. Passwords change daily but there is no limit to the number of days visitors can sign up for the service. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Jason C. Adolphson, USAG-Yongsan"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2478/3568823874_06fbd5b610_m.jpg" width="240" height="159" align="right" hspace="10" alt="Yongsan Librarian Yi Sun-cha signs up Spc. Ed Manola for a free Wi-Fi access password May 21 at the Yongsan Library. Manola gets a day of unlimited Internet service to interact online with his family in Dallas. Passwords change daily but there is no limit to the number of days visitors can sign up for the service. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Jason C. Adolphson, USAG-Yongsan" /></a><strong>YONGSAN GARRISON, Republic of Korea</strong> - Connecting to the Internet for free is convenient at locations all across U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan. Now, Yongsan surfers can add another location to the list: the Yongsan Library.

The Army and Air Force Exchange Service eatery locations - Town House, South Post, Camp Coiner and K-16 food courts, as well as the South Post Burger King and Popeye's have offered free Wi-Fi service for a couple of years.

One Yongsan Soldier said the library is now one of his favorite hangouts on the weekends.

"It's free, close to the barracks and quieter than other places on post," Spc. Ed Manola said. "This is a place where I can just come to relax, send e-mails and chat with my family. I come every weekend. It's a good place to have."

The library is filled with plush leather chairs, desks and tables to suit the needs of workspace for any visitor, said Library Director Dr. Esther Kim.

"We have 33 desktop computers, but some social media sites are restricted and usage is limited to one hour," Kim said. However, free Wi-Fi at the library offers visitors the freedom to use their own laptop for as long as they wish during operating hours.

Kim said people use Wi-Fi at the library for more reasons than a comfortable and quiet setting.

"A lot of Soldiers continuing their education online and home school students come here," she said. "There's a plethora of research resources right at their fingertips, and they can also check out CDs to play while they do their work or check out DVDs to wind down from a day of studying."

The library is also making additions to attract Yongsan's youth.

"We plan to add a couple computers to the children's room so kids can have a special place to come and access e-books," Kim said. "We'll also be introducing summer book readings June 23-28."

Visitors can sign for a daily Wi-Fi access password at the library reception counter, which is open 9 a.m.-10 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m.-8 p.m. on weekends.

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