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PM AESIP Hosts LMP Relinquishment of Charter Ceremony

By Ms. Christine Irving (LMP)February 26, 2019

LMP Outgoing PdM LTC Parent Relinquishment of Charter 1
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LMP Outgoing PdM LTC Parent Relinquishment of Charter 4
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LMP Outgoing PdM LTC Parent Relinquishment of Charter 1
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LMP Outgoing PdM LTC Parent Relinquishment of Charter 3
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On 28 January 2019, COL RJ Mikesh, Project Manager Army Enterprise Systems Integration Program (PM AESIP), hosted the Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) Relinquishment of Charter ceremony for LTC Michael N. Parent.

During the ceremony, LTC Parent passed the Program Executive Office, Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS) flag and the LMP Product Manager (PdM) charter to COL Mikesh, and Mr. Gabriel T. Saliba received the Acting PdM charter also from COL Mikesh. LTC Parent also was frocked to COL, accompanied by his wife.