Erie Township Sanitary Sewer Project, Phase I completed

By Jess LevensonJanuary 10, 2019

Erie Township Sanitary Sewer Project, Phase I completed
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The Ottawa County Sanitary Engineering Department completed Phase I of the Erie Township Sanitary Sewer Project with partial funding through the Water Resources Development Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-53), Section 594 program administered by the U.S.... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Erie Township Sanitary Sewer Project, Phase I completed
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The Ottawa County Sanitary Engineering Department completed Phase I of the Erie Township Sanitary Sewer Project with partial funding through the Water Resources Development Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-53), Section 594 program administered by the U.S.... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Erie Township Sanitary Sewer Project, Phase I completed
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The Ottawa County Sanitary Engineering Department completed Phase I of the Erie Township Sanitary Sewer Project with partial funding through the Water Resources Development Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-53), Section 594 program administered by the U.S.... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Ottawa County Sanitary Engineering Department completed Phase I of the Erie Township Sanitary Sewer Project with partial funding through the Water Resources Development Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-53), Section 594 program administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

The recently completed Phase I project extended approximately 1.2 miles of sanitary sewer main and laterals through the densely populated Ascher Beach area, serving over 176 equivalent dwelling units including condominiums, single family dwellings, a mobile home park and several small commercial businesses. This area was previously served by a number of old, under designed and under sized on-lot sewage treatment systems and package plants that were discharging inadequately treated sewage to the surface waters of Lake Erie.

The project was completed on time, September 2018, and under budget.

"We look forward to enjoying a healthier Lake Erie in 2019 as this project represents a very solid step toward the reduction of nutrients into the nearby surface waters of Ottawa County's Regional Water Treatment Plant Intake and the City of Port Clinton's Lakeview Beach," said Gino Monaco, Ottawa County Sanitary Engineering Department Administrator.

"The public component of the project went very well thanks to our contractor, Underground Utilities Inc., who did an excellent job working to install the new sanitary sewer system; our engineer, Poggemeyer Design Group, who designed and inspected the installation, and last but not least our financial partners, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Ohio Public Works Commission, who provided the funding assistance for the construction of the project," said Monaco. "The majority of the service connections have already been completed and the few that remain are permitted and will be connected in early 2019."

Congress passed the Water Resources Development Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-53), Section 594 to help alleviate environmental infrastructure problems throughout the state of Ohio. The law provides a program of federal assistance through USACE. The Section 594 program is a reimbursement program, whereby 75% of eligible costs are borne by the government and 25% of the costs are borne by the local sponsor.