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Security Force Assistance Command, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade activate at Fort Bragg

By Security Force Assistance Command Public AffairsDecember 7, 2018

SFAC and 2nd SFAB activate at Fort Bragg
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Lt. Gen. Laura J. Richardson, U.S. Army Forces Command acting commanding general, hands off the Security Force Assistance Command (SFAC) unit colors to Brig Gen. Mark H. Landes, SFAC commanding general, during the unit's activation ceremony, Nov. 29,... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
SFAC and 2nd SFAB activate at Fort Bragg
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Brig. Gen. Donn Hill, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade (2nd SFAB) commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Ken Killingsworth uncase their unit colors during the 2nd SFAB activation ceremony on 29 Nov. at Fort Bragg, N.C. The 2nd SFAB is a specialized un... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
SFAC and 2nd SFAB activate at Fort Bragg
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Brig Gen. Mark H. Landes, Security Force Assistance Command (SFAC) commanding general, hands off the 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade (2nd SFAB) unit colors to Brig. Gen. Donn Hill, 2nd SFAB commander, during their activation ceremony on 29 Nov.... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BRAGG, N.C. -- The Security Force Assistance Command and the 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade held a combined activation ceremony, Nov. 29, at Fort Bragg, N.C. The ceremony marked the beginning of the two new units charged with security force assistance. SFABs are specialized Army units whose core mission is to conduct training, advising, assisting, enabling and accompanying operations with allied and partner nations.

The SFAC is the division-level command element of the five active-duty SFABs and the 2nd SFAB is the second security force assistance brigade to be activated.

"Soldiers that join the SFABs are experienced, well-trained and mature leaders who have deployed many times," said Brig. Gen. Mark H. Landes, SFAC commanding general. "These Soldiers are volunteering to deploy again somewhere in the world where they can affect change."

Landes most recently served as the deputy commanding general for support for Fort Bliss and the 1st Armored Division and Brig. Gen. Donn Hill, 2nd SFAB commander, most recently served as the G/3/5/7 at the XVIII Airborne Corps. The 2nd SFAB is currently training in preparation to deploy this spring to Afghanistan is support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

"The way we train, prepare, and operate has to be deliberate because others are relying on us," said Landes. "I have the utmost confidence that 2nd SFAB has the right people in the right positions to be ready and effective."

Gen. Mark A. Milley, Army chief of staff, attended the ceremony and spoke about the SFABs unique mission.

"Their primary function is to advise, assist, enable and accompany indigenous conventional forces in combat operations and to secure themselves against their threats," said Gen. Mark A. Milley.

SFABs are the Army's dedicated conventional organization for conducting security force assistance around the world. Each SFAB has a regional focus and its unique capabilities enable it to perform wherever it's needed with minimal cultural and regional orientation.

Security force assistance has a long history and has always played a vital role in the Army. SFA operations aren't as well-known as the large historical conventional military battles. The Army is full of security force assistance history ranging from training police in Bosnia to large scale operations in Vietnam and Iraq, all of which provided vital contributions to achieving our nation's goals.

The U.S. Army has been advising partnered forces for decades. The SFAC heritage can be traced back to Vietnam, the Military Assistance Command- Vietnam (MAC-V) was established in 1962 with the purpose to control advisory and assistance effort in Vietnam. The MAC-V command relationship and mission with the Military Assistance Advisory Group is very similar to the relationship the SFAC has with the SFABs today, said Landes.

Related Links:

2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade

Security Force Assistance Command - SFAC