Quartermaster Center and School Reaches Retention Goal

By T. Anthony Bell, Fort Lee Public AffairsMay 21, 2009

FORT LEE, Va. (May 21, 2009) - The U.S. Army Quartermaster Center and School reached an important milestone last month.

But it wasn't in the number of diplomas earned by students or awards won by instructors.

It was in the area of retention. For the fourth straight year, the QMC&S reenlisted enough Soldiers not only to reach its retention goal but to reach it early.

The Soldier chiefly responsible for attaining the mark said she is proud of the achievement.

"I feel great," said Sgt. 1st Class Eulalie Joseph, the QMC&S career counselor. "I feel like the Army has presented me with a challenge and I'm able to meet the challenge in adequate time."

Joseph said that 80 mid-career and career Soldiers have reenlisted since Oct. 1, 2008, the beginning of the fiscal year. She met her goal on April 30 when an instructor from the Petroleum and Water Department reenlisted.

The QMC&S retention goal was cut 16 percent during the fiscal year because the Army had reached its end strength early, said Joseph. Nevertheless, she fully expected the QMC&S to reach the goal and reach it early, just as it was done the past three years.

"It was a good thing for us," she said of the goal, "but on a whole, with or without the curtailment, we would've met the mission."

Joseph said she attributes the success of the QMC&S's retention program to the retention noncommissioned officers, first sergeants and commanders and their efforts to communicate the merits of continuous service. She also said taking care of Soldiers was a significant factor.

"It's not really about me," said Joseph. "It's about the Soldiers, ensuring they are taken care of and their Families are taken care of. That's my No. 1 priority, and it makes me feel good to work towards that end."

The QMC&S is the first element of the Combined Arms Support Command to reach its retention goal, according to Joseph.