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Army encourages Soldiers to be on the lookout for absentee ballots

By Nicole HawkSeptember 26, 2018

Army encourages Soldiers to be on the lookout for absentee ballots
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Rachel Gilman, U.S. Army Voting Action Officer, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, The Adjutant General Directorate, prepares to film a public service announcement encouraging Soldiers and family members living overseas to be on the lookout for absen... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Army encourages Soldiers to be on the lookout for absentee ballots
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – During the filming of an absentee ballot PSA, Rachel Gilman, U.S. Army Voting Action Officer, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, The Adjutant General Directorate, explains how simple it is for Soldiers to fill out and return ballots before the genera... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Soldiers and their family members living overseas who requested an absentee ballot for the general election should start to look for ballots. The deadline for states to start sending out those absentee ballots was Sept. 22.

After receiving your ballot, follow the instructions to fill it out, and if your state allows, submit the ballot electronically or simply drop it in the mail using the pre-addressed and postage-paid label. For the general election, absentee ballots must be returned to your state voting official by Nov. 6.

Rachel Gilman, U.S. Army Voting Action Officer, U.S. Army Human Resources Command, The Adjutant General Directorate says, "Soldiers and their families should mail materials in early enough to account for mail delivery time which can vary based on where you are living so your ballot can make its way back to your local election official."

Remember, each state has their own requirements and deadlines for absentee voting. If you have questions or need assistance with absentee voting contact your Unit Voting Assistance Officer or visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program website at FVAP has state and territory specific information for deadlines, voter registration, ballot requests, and ballot returns.

Gilman reminds Soldiers, "Voting is a freedom we defend. Whether you are serving stateside or overseas, let your voice be heard by casting your vote."

"It only takes a few minutes to make sure your vote is counted, no matter where you are in the world," she said.