50th Signal Battalion (Expeditionary) Conduct Battle Roster VALEX

By CDT Christina CistulliAugust 13, 2018

50th Signal Battalion (Expeditionary) Conduct Battle Roster VALEX
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50th Signal Battalion (Expeditionary) Conduct Battle Roster VALEX
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FORT BRAGG, N.C. - On 18 July 2018, the leadership of 50th Signal Battalion (Expeditionary) conducted a Battle Roster VALEX in order to facilitate the transition to an Army Communications Support Battalion (ACSB).

Key leaders in attendance included Battalion Commander Lt Col. Ronald Iammartino, Command Sgt. Maj. Wendell Marshall, battalion staff and company command teams.

During this transformative period for 50th, planning and preparing for the new mission of this battalion is essential to ensuring the development of its capabilities, readiness, and strategies in order to provide the necessary support for the needs of the Signal Corps and the Army.

The MTOE (mission, task, organization, and equipment) conference consisted of reorganizing the battalion's roster, developing a new Charlie Company and Delta Company, identifying the necessity of the battalion's equipment, and further cultivating the new mission as an ACSB.

The first half of the meeting was dedicated to reconfiguring the company rosters to fit the needs of their specific missions. The primary focus was C and D Companies. The current C Co. will formally assume the responsibility of being the only Enroute Mission Command (EMC) unit in the Army. This faster-paced unit will generally support mobile operations and need to demonstrate readiness and expertise, as they have already begun executing. Because of the aim to construct companies based on military occupational specialty (MOS), one of the most difficult challenges of the day was filling those deficiencies while simultaneously creating a whole new company. Towards the latter half of the conference, the company First Sergeants along with the Sergeant Majors took the mismatched MOS's from each company and reassigned them where they saw fit in a major-league sport draft fashion. Despite this obstacle, this new approach will ultimately benefit the efficiency, purpose, and unit cohesion of each company.

After the new battle rosters were finished, the company commanders identified equipment shortages and excess and utilized the battalion's master equipment list, which detailing what is available, to narrow their focus on the battalion's and company's specific missions. With the new construct of the four-man teams, the goal was to redistribute and utilize equipment efficiently so the small teams can work effectively with it. In lieu of new equipment coming soon to the battalion, it was important to note the items that would be considered excess, including weapons systems.

This event ultimately accomplished many tasks that gives the leadership of 50th the opportunity to identify the needs of the battalion and pave the way for a progressive year.