U.S. Army Special Operations Command 2035 - Our Value to the Nation

By USASOC Public Affairs OfficeJune 5, 2018

Indigenous approach

- ARSOF live among, train, advise, and fight alongside people of foreign cultures

- Achieve effects with and through partner forces.

- Includes Unconventional Warfare and Foreign Internal Defense

Precision targeting operations

- Direct Action and counter-network activities against individuals and infrastructure

- buy time/space for other ops to gain traction, (counterinsurgency)

- collapse transregional threat networks through deliberate targeting of critical enemy nodes (counterterrorism)

Developing understanding and wielding influence

- Are essential aspects of value SOF capabilities provide the Nation

- SOF network of personnel, assets, and formations represent means to obtain early understanding

- SOF network also influences outcomes, especially in conflict short of overt war

Crisis response

- Through forces standing alert and those persistently deployed and dispersed in unstable parts of the world

- Provides options to rescue people under threat, to recover sensitive materials, or other short notice requirements

USASOC 2035 Value