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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Working to Improve the Nation's Infrastructure

By U.S. ArmyMay 24, 2018

US Army Corps of Engineers Harbor Construction
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US Army Corps of Engineers Ecosystem Restoration Construction
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US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Risk Management
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US Army Corps of Engineers Emergency Response Activities
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US Army Corps of Engineers Restoration
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Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 appropriations are providing increased ability for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) to continue to support the Nation as we work to improve critical water resource infrastructure, support ongoing natural disaster recovery activities and increase our resiliency and reduce our risk of damages from future storm events.

In the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 (Public Law (P.L.) 115-141), the Corps received a total of $6.8 Billion. The FY 2018 appropriations increases funding for five of the appropriations accounts. The approximate distribution of the funding increases are: $1.1 billion for construction; $500 million for operations and maintenance (O&M); $200 million for Mississippi River and Tributaries, and $100 million between the Investigation and the Formerly Used Sites Remedial Action Programs (FUSRAP).

"The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) and the Corps are finalizing a work plan for the distribution of the additional funding that will prioritize completing projects of critical importance to the economic development of the Nation and the safety of the public", said Mr. Joseph Bentz, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Management and Budget.

In addition, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-123) provided an additional $17.4 billion to the Corps to support natural disaster recovery activities. The initial allocation of appropriations in the O&M account is being used to address the highest priority needs identified by USACE at 31 projects in 11 states.

"The near-term repair work will alleviate the impacts of the project damages and shoaling on human safety, flood-prone property, commercial navigation costs, ecosystem values, and other project outputs such as recreation, hydropower and water supply," said Mr. R.D. James, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works.

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Click here for more informaiton on FY 2018 funding.