The Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) is again at the leading edge of supporting Army and DOD initiatives to find efficiencies and cut costs by becoming the first Army Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) program to serve as a government Lead Systems Integrator (LSI).
In December 2016, LMP transitioned from its contractor LSI and service provider to a government-led capability, completing one of the most complex ERP service transitions ever attempted within the Army. The LMP Product Management Office (PMO), supported by the Communications -- Electronics Command (CECOM) LMP Sustainment Division (LMPSD) now executes the LMP capability support plan, which plans, manages, executes and monitors LMP sustainment operations and continuous improvements, such as maintaining the relevance of system capabilities through enhancements and fixes. The team works to identify and determine future development initiatives, including full-scale new capability increments.
Traditionally, LSIs are considered a "one-stop-shop" for sustainment management, design and development work. However, the LMP model demonstrates the power of inter-governmental partnerships by working with the CECOM LMPSD organization. In this first-of-its-kind association, the LMP PMO is using a framework of mature, proven best practices and methodologies to manage and monitor the full LMP support lifecycle, which includes requirements and resource management, contracts and funding management, systems engineering functions, project management, integration, schedules, cybersecurity, and configuration and release management. Moreover, CECOM LMPSD is executing design and development lifecycle support, namely completing the work to maintain, fix and enhance the baseline system.
To date, this uniquely-aligned, government-led team is delivering as effectively as the prior contractor LSI in all performance categories, has exceeded industry standards for system and service performance metrics and has delivered all requirements on time and in budget. Specific to the LMP PMO's LSI role, the program projects a 33 percent cost avoidance in the 2018 fiscal year. Accordingly, the LMP PMO government staff equaled the same level of programmatic support as the contractor in previous years. In all, LMP and CECOM LMPSD's efforts and successes are fortifying the government's position as a capable LSI and continues to improve the government's accountability and transparency throughout the acquisition lifecycle.
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