March 2018 Nominative Sergeants Major Assignments

By U.S. ArmyApril 23, 2018

The Sergeant Major of the Army announces the following Sergeants Major assignments:

Command Sergeant Major Jerimiah E. Gan, 1st Engineer Brigade, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri to Command Sergeant Major, US Army Training Center and Fort Jackson, Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

Command Sergeant Major Michael J. Perry III, CJTF-OIR Sustainment Directorate Sergeant Major to Command Sergeant Major, Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM), Fort Lee, Virginia.

Command Sergeant Major Thomas R. Oates, 32nd Medical Brigade, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas to Command Sergeant Major, Brooke Army Medical Center, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas.

Command Sergeant Major Frank C. Gutierrez Jr., Research Development and Engineering Command to Command Sergeant Major, Communications-Electronics Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.