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67th ESB Conducts Range Qualification Training

By 2nd Lt. Jacksubely R. ValarezoApril 17, 2018

67th ESB Conducts Range Qualification Training
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67th ESB Conducts Range Qualification Training
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February 2018, Soldiers from the 67th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 35th Theater Tactical Signal Brigade conducted an M4 and M16 range qualification training.

Over one hundred Soldiers qualified with their assigned weapons in a two-day range training on February 28 and March 1. Prior to the range, companies conducted primary marksmanship instruction (PMI) fundamentals to ensure all personnel were knowledgeable on their primary weapons systems.

"The NCO range detail and safeties were outstanding in allowing this range to be successful," said 2nd Lt. Morgan Gosling, the range officer in charge. "Above all, their assistance and mentorship prepared the Soldiers for their success in weapons qualification".

Following post deployment, the 67th ESB continues to maintain combat readiness by sustaining and training in their primary weapons systems. This continuous effort enhances Soldiers' basic skills in preparation for upcoming deployments.