Training a resilient workforce

By Staff Reports, ANAD Army Community ServicesJanuary 25, 2018

ANNISTON ARMY DEPOT, Ala. -- The Army Community Service team is currently developing a Ready Resilient Curriculum.

These courses will be offered to the depot workforce to ensure employees who are not in leadership roles are better prepared to meet the growing demands of the organization.

The curriculum will be specifically designed to meet the unique challenges of depot employees based on the readiness needs within each directorate.

Courses will include:

• Master Resiliency Training

• Conflict Resolution

• Stress and Anger Management

• Time Management

• Team Building

• Effective Communication

• Exploring Personality Traits

• Relationship Building

• Problem Solving

The Ready Resilient Curriculum will be implemented in three phases.

Phase one will consist of directorate awareness and marketing.

Phase two will involve a needs-based analysis per directorate and course development.

Phase three will consist of program implementation and evaluation.

The target goal of the Ready-Resilient Curriculum is to enhance resilient skills crucial in today's workforce and increase efficiency, leading to quality production at ANAD.

For more information, contact the ACS Officer at 256-235-7971.