Science, technology focus of new issue of Army AL&T magazine

By Michael Bold, U.S. Army Acquisition Support CenterJanuary 4, 2018

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FORT BELVOIR, Va. (Jan. 3, 2018)-- This is big, really big--in fact, it's the single biggest issue of Army AL&T magazine, and its focus is squarely on the Army's top science and technology (S&T) priorities. The amazing work done by the Army S&T community--some 28,350 employees at over 80 sites in 32 states across the U.S. and in 14 foreign countries--is the star of the show in the January -- March 2018 issue of Army AL&T.

Forget "door buster" sales, the January -- March issue of Army AL&T magazine is a must-read, literal door buster with more than two dozen articles from the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology (DASA(R&T)) office that provide a unique perspective on where Army S&T is and where it's going in the near, mid and far term.

Read how DASA(R&T) plans to rebalance S&T priorities to accomplish the Army's top technology priorities:

Precision fires and air and missile defense.

Next Generation Combat Vehicle.

Future Vertical Lift.

The network and command, control, communications and intelligence.

Soldier lethality.

Here's a look at what they're working on:

For Dr. Thomas P. Russell, the DASA(R&T), envisioning and developing the capabilities that the Army will need in five years or 30 years doesn't require a crystal ball--just science, and lots of it, done by scientists, and lots of them. Find out more in "IT'S ALL ABOUT THE SCIENCE."

The Army's primary science and technology arm, the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), is developing technologies for the future multidomain battle scenario, in "WORLD-CLASS TECH, ACCORDING TO PLAN."

In future conflicts, with communication channels and evacuation routes contested, a lot more casualty care might happen on the battlefield itself. Find out how in "SPEEDING COMBAT CASUALTY CARE."

The Army's Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program gives researchers a chance to grow professionally while collaborating with U.S. allies on new technologies. Read how in "OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES."

Robbie Schingler, one of the founders of Planet, a private company that has a constellation of nearly 200 satellites taking daily images of the Earth, discusses lessons the Army can learn from Planet's strategy of going big by going small, in "VERY SMALL SATELLITES, VERY BIG DEAL."

For a program manager, making sure the "burn rate" doesn't overheat can be the difference between a successful program and toast. Find out how in "MONEY TO BURN."

Even if you're a die-hard hard copy reader, there are many reasons to take a sneak peek online. Go to to read the e-magazine, or visit the archives at to download the PDF version.

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