Army Civilian Glover, leads by example

By Kaytrina CurtisDecember 18, 2017

Army Civilian Glover,  leads by example
U.S. Army Medical Department Activity-Fort Stewart, Winn Army Community Hospital Deputy Commander Logistics Division, Lt. Col. Kirk Reed, presents the 2017 Winn ACH Best Logistician trophy to Department of Logistics Administrative Assistant, Olympia ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

For the past two years Glover has served not only as an AA at Winn, but also as the transportation coordinator and detail readiness in the logistics department. Her most recent test to readiness came in the form of Hurricane Irma, which hit the area in early September 2017.

"When it's time for emergency situations … you have to prepare the hospital," Glover said. "You have to make sure the patients have cots, you have to make sure they have food, you have to make sure they have MRE's [meals ready to eat] and you have to make sure you have the medications and supplies on hand for emergency situations."

Glover's responsibility included taking in account for the more than 175 members the staff that were a part of the stay-behind element. She account for the more than 50 vehicles in the MEDDAC fleet to ensure emergency response readiness, and confirm the availability of supplies for possible incoming patients. Glover points to her more than 20 years of combined military and logistical support experience, which helped prepare for the logistical challenges a hurricane could bring.

"I just wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable, make sure they were safe, and make sure everything would be taken care of," Glover said. "I love my job, I go above and beyond to do my job, but I like to be behind the scenes as well."

As the first woman to join the military in her Family, Glover previously deployed to Bosnia, and although her Family was concerned for her wellbeing, in her usual composed persona, she was able to calm their fears.

"They were scared," Glover said, "and nervous because I was the first female, but I told them 'hey it's going to be ok.'"

Glover said she enjoys living by example.

"I like to lead versus to follow," Glover said. "I like to live the Army values of leadership which is loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and respect. If you can do those things on daily basis, you'll be a better person."

MEDDAC Deputy Commander Logistics Division, Lt. Col. Kirk Reed, who is fairly new to the LOG shop, said he picked up on the "glue" Glover brings to the table.

"Coming from another Army Community Hospital you kind of look for those individuals that stand out in the organization," Reed said. "[She] leads the organization as a whole, not just logistics. Ms. Glover is one of those individuals. She's very involved in everything we do in logistics."

Reed said continuity is important in transition and Glover provided the opportunity for him to assess the organization and logistics.

"Ms. Glover is a very valuable asset to this organization," Reed said, "because she's not just Winn, she actually came from post [Fort Stewart garrison], so she knows the ins and outs on how the post works, so that makes that bond between us and the post just a little stronger. She is a model to be followed by her Civilian counterparts because I get here early in the morning she's here sometimes before me. I have to tell her to go home sometimes, but she is that individual."

The LOG team showed appreciation for Glover's outstanding contributions to Winn by awarding her the 2017 Winn ACH Best Logistician trophy. Glover can also tout receiving the Regional Health Command --Atlantic 2016 Professional Medical Logisticians' Leadership Civilian of the Year Award for Fort Stewart and most recently she had the opportunity to meet and take selfies with The Surgeon General, Commanding General U.S. Army Medical Command, Lt. Gen. Nadja West.

Glover's husband, Achor, a retiree, served for 20 years in the Army and together they have two daughters.