120th SHARP donates socks

By Staff Sgt. Courtney M. Smith, 120th Infantry Brigade Public AffairsNovember 3, 2017

120th Inf. Bde. SHARP reps 'make a difference' by donating socks
KILLEEN, Texas -- Sgt. 1st Class Lakesha Edmond, Sexual Assault Response
Coordinator and observer coach/trainer with the 120th Infantry Brigade's
Headquarters Support Company, receives an award for contributing to a sock
drive from Bertha Angele, a v... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

FORT HOOD, Texas -- Make a Difference Day is one of the largest annual single-days of service nationwide. Community-driven service projects like this are performed by volunteers in the local area.

The 120th Infantry Brigade's sexual harassment assault response prevention office participated in sock drive, here Oct. 28, 2017. The items donated will go to local community for destitution.

"My office is now partnering with Family in Crisis, a homeless shelter, to unite our organizations," said Sgt. First Class Lakesha Edmond, the sexual assault response coordinator, an observer coach trainer, with the 120th Inf. Bde., Headquarters Support Company. "Jointly we will continue to provide public service in the military and our community."

Edmondson has been a SARC for four months. She believed that the sock drive was a way to poetically reach victims of abuse.

"Within our brigade numerous pairs of socks were donated to Family in Crisis for the men, women and children in the shelter," said Gwen Franklin, the SHARP victim advocate, with the 120th Inf. Bde., Hsc. "This allows the organization to give back to those in the Fort Hood community that are less fortunate.

Family in Chris has an online source where individuals can seek assistance at www.familiesincrisis.net.

"There is a population of unseen and unheard people in our region," said Bertha Angele, a volunteer coordinator and bilingual advocate, with Family in Crisis. "The clients in the shelter and outreach program received socks and other basic essentials to aid them in their current situations."

Socks were the target item for donations because they can be given to both genders as well as children.

"Events like this are important because we are all human beings and as Soldiers we sometimes have to see beyond the uniform," said Edmond. "[SHARP] is not here to judge."

The Army and nonmilitary organizations have programs and services available to help Soldiers, department of the Army civilians and family member in need.

"If or when clients come to us we don't want them to worry about where simple items will be coming from, just focus on moving forward," said Angele.

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