Relationship recognized by Brazilian government

By Michelle MillerOctober 25, 2017

Relationship recognized by Brazilian government
Brig. Gen. Sidnei Prado, Brazilian Army director of materiel, (far left) and Maj. Gen. Miriano Valdoni Eder, Brazilian Army artillery commander, (far right) stand with (left to right) Kyle Crawford, Gary Huston, Nancy Sieloff and Josh Smrt who were p... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Building trust and relationships with U.S. partner nations are at the foundation of security assistance and a priority for the Army's security assistance enterprise. As a result of notable service and rapport to the Brazilian army, an award was presented to four U.S. Army personnel recently at a meeting in York, Pennsylvania.

Kyle Crawford, a country program manager for U.S. Army Security Assistance Command's SOUTHCOM regional operations directorate, Joshua Smrt, team lead for U.S. Army Tank Automotive Command's M109 program, Gary Huston, TACOM-Security Assistance Management Directorate M113 program manager, and Nancy Sieloff, TACOM-SAMD M109 weapons systems manager, were approved by Gen. Eduardo Dias da Costa Villas Bôas, Brazilian Army Commander, to receive the Medalha do Pacificador, or Peacemaker Medal. The group was nominate for the award by Lt. Gen. Luis Antonio Duizit Brito on behalf of Gen. Guilherme Cals Theophilo, the Brazilian Army Logistics Commander. Brig. Gen. Sidnei Prado, Brazilian Army director of materiel, presented their medals during a ceremony held Oct. 5.

Lt. Col. Marcelo Sergio Cabral, Brazil's security assistance liaison officer, said the recognition was received due to the team's outstanding relationship between the Brazilian and U.S. armies.

"Their comprehensive knowledge, professionalism and dedication to the management of the Brazilian Army FMS (foreign military sales) program embodies the values of the Duke of Caxias, the Peacemaker," Cabral said.

The Peacemaker Medal was established in 1955 to honor the 600th birthday of Luiz Alves de Lima e Silva, the Duke of Caxias. Nicknamed "the peacemaker," he was a military hero and statesman who made the military prominent in the Brazilian government and is considered the official patron of the Brazilian army. The award is for military and civilians, domestic or foreign, who have provided notable service to the Brazilian army, including developing friendships between the army and other nations.

"They have shown a high level of commitment to solve issues and develop solutions that benefit both Brazil and the U.S.," Cabral said. "This recognition highlights that outstanding performance, a solid partnership in security assistance programs and the importance of FMS for the Brazilian army."

"This medal represents all elements of the security assistance enterprise and their support to the Brazilian Army program - from the Dept. of Defense, to the Army Materiel Command's subordinate organizations and life cycle management commands and our industry partners," Crawford said.

"It signifies the past successes the U.S.-Brazil relationship and fosters an even greater degree of trust between the ASAE and the Brazilian army."

"The importance (of being recognized) lies not only in the indication of past programs successes, but it provides a solid foundation for the Brazilian and U.S. armies to work together to accomplish future objectives," Crawford added.

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