HONOLULU -- As another Pacific island summer drew to a close, Soldiers, civilians and industry partners of the global Signal community gathered, here, to celebrate the 157th birthday of the Army Signal Corps and focus on improving secure communications during Pacific Signal Week, Sept. 18-22.
"This week is all about you and your Signal family," said Col. James Turinetti IV, deputy chief of staff, G-6, U.S. Army-Pacific, to junior Signal officers during a leadership development lunch at the Sustainment Bistro, Schofield Barracks.
To start the week's festivities, more than a hundred people hiked the Kealia Trail at Dillingham Airfield, a new event this year. Meanwhile, others rallied for "Ride by the Tide," a motorcycle mentorship and safety ride to encourage safe riding while enjoying the balmy breeze and scenic overlooks.
After receiving guidance and updates about the Signal mission in the Pacific from Brig. Gen. Lawrence Thoms, 311th Signal Command (Theater) commander and chief information officer for USARPAC, Turinetti, and USARPAC G-6 Sgt. Maj. Lewis Stanley and other Soldiers closed out the day with a team-building event, Cosmic Bowling, at the Schofield Bowling Center.
"It amazes me the talent that you all bring to the table," Thoms said to junior officers during the leadership development lunch at the Sust. Bistro." To set yourself apart, be that team player who always seeks to help and build others, be a selfless leader."
Sept. 26 activities included informational briefings about the Signal Regiment, and both Soldier and civilian careers, networking opportunities and leadership development.
"In this dynamic theater with many moving pieces, we are asking a lot of our Soldiers and leaders, to be flexible and prepared," Thoms said to all gathered for the Signal Forum at Sgt. Smith Theater, Schofield Barracks. "Hit that stride through training, know your equipment and know your Soldiers, and their strengths and technical proficiency."
At the Prayer Breakfast, Sept. 27, guest speaker Chaplain (Col.) Bill Green, USARPAC command chaplain, shared a moving message about the importance of hope.
At Technology Day, Signaleers browsed and discussed technology being tested and improved by the Joint Communications Support Element and new products by industry partners.
"The most valuable asset you have as a leader is your reputation. It's not about whether people like you, but do they respect you," said Lt. Gen. Bruce Crawford, Army chief information officer, during a Signal officers' breakout session at the 30th Signal Battalion, Wheeler Army Airfield. "Make sure you are always mentoring someone; grow your future leaders."
Competing in an 18-hole course, Soldiers and civilians on four-person teams enjoyed demonstrating their golfing skills during the golf scramble hosted by the Signal Corps Regimental Association at Mamala Bay Golf Course on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. That evening, awards and prizes were received by the Best Team, Worst Team, Longest Drive and raffle ticket winners.
Early Sept. 29, nearly 500 Signal Soldiers from various commands across the island converged on Weyand Field, Schofield Barracks, to participate in the traditional 4-mile Regimental Run. Guidon bearers proudly held high their unit banners, and Soldiers chanted cadences as they ran back to the field for remarks by Thoms and 311th SC(T) Command Sgt. Maj. Tracy Barlogio.
On the final eve of Signal Week, the Tapa Ballroom at the Hilton Hawaiian Village teemed with excitement as Soldiers, civilians, industry partners and their companions arrived in formal attire for the Signal Regimental Ball.
A number of events took place at the ball from the official posting of the colors, a moving keynote address by Crawford, an award ceremony presenting the Bronze Order of Mercury to 36 Signaleers, and the Bronze Wahatchee to four spouses whose volunteer spirit serves as an example to the Signal Corps community. Also, motivating video presentations, cutting of the cake by the oldest and youngest Soldiers in attendance, the retiring of the colors, then dinner and dancing followed.
"I believe there is something truly special here in the Pacific, a clear understanding of the value of 'we,'" Crawford said during his remarks. "We stand on the shoulders of giants. We build upon the work of our former Signal commanders, command sergeants major and warrant officers, many of whom sit among you here tonight, great leaders who paved the way for our success.
"And one thing that sets our nation apart is the fact that we remember those who came before us and the sacrifices they made."
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