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Mr. Douglas W. Lamont, P.E.

By U.S. ArmyOctober 19, 2017

Mr. Douglas W. Lamont, P.E.
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Mr. Douglas W. Lamont was selected to the Senior Executive Service in November 2004. He is serving as the Senior Official Performing Duties as the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works). In this capacity he serves as the senior Policy oversight over the US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Program. Previously he served as the principal advisor to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) (ASA(CW)) on Corps of Engineers' water resources projects and on its planning and review processes. Mr. Lamont was responsible for providing objective and independent evaluation of Corps projects (including navigation, flood risk reduction, environmental restoration, water supply, hydropower, and recreation projects) and determination of policy compliance for engineering soundness, economic justification, and environmental acceptability. He advised the ASA(CW) on policy and process issues that might arise during the review of these projects, the established policy and possible precedents involved, and providing a course of action to resolve those issues. In addition, he was responsible for providing Army policy and procedural direction governing the planning and evaluation of Corps projects.

He has over 30 years of Corps of Engineers experience. His career has primarily been in the area of policy and planning; having worked in the Planning, Engineering, and Construction-Operations Divisions in the Jacksonville District before coming to Corps Headquarters in 1980. He was the Chief of Regulatory Enforcement from 1978-1980 in the Jacksonville District. In Headquarters, he has worked in the Programs, Engineering, Project Management, Policy, and Planning Divisions. He was the former Chief of the New Starts Branch in the Policy Division; Chief, Project Management Branch in the Project Management Division; and Chief, Policy Guidance & Application Branch in the Policy Division. For the 10 years prior to his current position, he headed the policy compliance review function in HQUSACE as Chief, Policy Review Branch in the Policy Division. He has been involved with policy guidance and processing of Project Cooperation Agreements, as well as, policy development for cost shared projects since their inception in WRDA 1986. He also served as Acting Chief, Planning Division and Civil Programs Management in the Norfolk District from August 1998-March 1999.