CSM Williams was born in Brenham, Texas. She entered the Army 12 October 1988 and has held a variety of logistics and leadership positions from Automated Logistics Specialist/Squad leader through Command Sergeant Major.
CSM Williams earned an Associates of General Studies from Central Texas College in Killeen, TX, Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Troy University in Troy, Alabama, and a Master of Education in Organizational Leadership from Northcentral University from Prescott Valley, AZ.
Her military education includes Primary Leader Development Course, Advanced Leaders Course, Master Fitness Trainer Course, Army Recruiting, Senior Leaders Course, Standard Army Retail Supply System, First Sergeant Course, Sergeant Major Academy (Class 58), BN CSM Development Program, Contracting Officer Representative, BDE CSM Development Program, HQDA Tracking System, SHARP Course, How The Army Runs Course, Sergeant Major Force Management Course, CSM Legal Orientation Course, Distinguished Member of the Quartermaster Regiment, and numerous other training.
CSM Williams' first duty assignment was 632nd Maintenance Company, Fort Stewart, GA (deployed to Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Saudi Arabia as TAMMS/PLL Clerk), 517th Maintenance Company Karlsruhe, Germany (Squad Leader and Warehouse Receiving NCO), 249th Supply Company, Fort Bragg, NC (HHC Platoon Sergeant, Stock Control NCOIC, Materiel Storage/Handling Supervisor, and Assistant Warehouse NCO), USAREC Phoenix Recruiting Battalion, Phoenix, AZ, HHD, 2ID Replacement, Camp Mobile, Korea (Senior Movement NCO and First Sergeant), 62nd Quartermaster Company, Fort Hood, Texas (deployed to Camp Al Asad, Iraq ISO Operation Iraqi Freedom as First Sergeant), United States Army Sergeant Major Academy (Class 58), Fort Bliss, TX, HHC Echelons Above Brigade Support Battalion, Fort Irwin, CA (BN SGM), 125th Brigade Support Battalion, Fort Bliss, TX (deployed to Afghanistan ISO Operation Enduring Freedom as BN CSM), Department of the Army SHARP Office, Pentagon (HQDA SHARP Office SGM), 1AD Sustainment Brigade, Fort Bliss, TX (deployed to Afghanistan ISO Operation Freedom Sentinel as BDE CSM).
CSM Williams' military awards and decorations include the Legion Merit Medal, Bronze Star Medal (1 OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (4 OLC), Army Commendation Medal with 3 OLCs, Army Achievement Medal (2 OLC), Army Good Conduct Medal (four silver knots), National Defense Service Medal (one bronze star device), Southwest Asia Service Medal (three campaign stars), Afghanistan Campaign Medal (one campaign star), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (Numeral 5), Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (Numeral 4), United Nations Medal (one campaign star), Saudi Arabian Medal for the Liberation of Kuwait, Kuwait Medal for Liberation of Kuwait, Recruiting Badge (three sapphire stars), Combat Action Badge, Army Superior Unit Award Ribbon, Army Staff Identification Badge, and Distinguished Order of Saint Martin.
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