Group Award Program eligibility requirements

By Pam Robertson, ANAD Directorate of Resource ManagementOctober 5, 2017

ANNISTON ARMY DEPOT, Ala. -- Currently, Anniston Army Depot's Group Award Program payout for fiscal year 2017 is $1,062.50. The final amount will be determined soon, with payouts anticipated Nov. 23.

This payout is for the period from Oct. 1, 2016, through Sept. 30, 2017.

In order to determine whether or not you are eligible to receive a payout, the following criteria for the GAP policy must be met:

• At least a fully successful (minimum of level 3) performance rating.

• No disciplinary actions in the rating period. Employees with pending or unresolved disciplinary or adverse actions will have funds retained for a future payout, depending on the outcome of the proposed action through the appeal process. Written reprimands will not affect eligibility for the GAP payout.

• Employed (on the rolls) by ANAD on Sept. 30. Employees working a portion of the period for ANAD who transferred to a local Department of Army tenant during the remainder of the period and are on the rolls Sept. 30 will receive a pro-rated share based on hours worked while employed by ANAD.

Eligible employees in a work status for one-half (1,040 hours) of the award period receive the full amount.

Eligible employees in a work status one-fourth or more, but less than one-half of the award period (520 to 1,039 hours), receive one-half of the amount.

Eligible employees in a work status less than one-fourth of the award period (160 to 519 hours) receive one-fourth of the amount.

Eligible employees in a work status less than 160 hours during the award period will not receive a payout.

• Pathways Program personnel are not counted as being in a work status for GAP purposes, since they are in a training, and not work, status.

To compute hours in a work status, the following hours are included: annual leave, military leave, administrative leave of six hours or less, travel comp taken, comp time taken, holiday leave, jury duty, home leave for deployments, law enforcement leave, restored annual leave hours, continuation of pay, excused absence leave, time off awards, holiday worked hours and leave without pay due to military active duty.

Hours excluded from work status are: sick leave, all other leave without pay, donated leave and administrative leave in excess of six hours.


Measurement for Anniston Army Depot's fiscal year 2017 Group Award Program payout includes four areas.

For eligible personnel to receive the maximum GAP payout, all metrics must be met. Everyone must do their part each day to achieve these goals, which are attainable and important in executing ANAD's mission. Current status indicates a payout of $1,062.50.

If anyone has questions concerning how to have a positive impact on the metrics, please discuss this with your supervisor.


Direct Productive Yield (Direct Labor Hours):

Greater than 1,600 -- $250.00

1,579-1,600 -- $187.50

1,557-1,578 -- $125.00

1,534-1,556 -- $62.50

Less than 1,534 -- $0

Current hours -- 1,618

Current payout -- $250


Equal to or Greater than 1,702 -- $250.00

1,683-1,701 -- $187.50

1,663-1,682 -- $125.00

1,642-1,662 -- $62.50

Less than 1,642 -- $0

Current hours -- 1,654

Current payout -- $62.50


Greater than 95 -- $500.00

90-95 -- $375.00

85-89 -- $250.00

80-84 -- $125.00

Less than 80 -- $0

Current percentage -- 90

Current payout -- $375


NOR loss less than -$13M -- $500.00

NOR loss between -$13M and -$23M -- $375.00

NOR loss between -$23M and -$33M -- $250.00

NOR loss between -$33M and -$46.6M -- $125.00

NOR loss is greater than -$46.6M -- $0

Current loss -- -14.61M

Current payout -- $375

CURRENT TOTAL: $1,062.50