USACE Galveston District's Employee Spotlight on Kevin Mannie

By U.S. ArmyOctober 2, 2017

Kevin Mannie
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

GALVESTON, Texas (October 2, 2017) -- During hurricane Harvey, USACE Galveston district's Emergency Operation Center activated the crisis management team. This historic event produced rainfall that reached record-breaking flood levels in Houston, making it the most extreme rain event in the United States history. Team members came together working long shifts and pulling 24-hour operations. Those employees played a vital role in not only ensuring our projects functioned as designed, but also managing response and recovery of a massive flood event.

Kevin Mannie was among those working tirelessly during this catastrophic event, answering public inquiries and providing critical and relevant information to citizens. Unsurprisingly, this is not the first time Mannie was activated with USACE to participate in the response of a natural disaster.

"When I worked with the New Orleans District I volunteered as a Local Government Liaison and deployed to the Terrebonne Parish Emergency Operations Center for Hurricane Gustav," said Mannie. "After the storm I was able to view the area damage from a UH-60, and rode along in a CH-47 during a sand bag operation to shore up an eroded local levee pump station."

Mannie has held the position of regulatory specialist for over 3 years with the Galveston District where he is currently working on conducting waters of the United States jurisdictional determinations, wetland delineation verifications, and investigations of alleged unauthorized activities. He finds that his preparedness during natural disasters stems from the experience he's gained during his daily operations.

"The work we do is a vital component of a much larger responsibility to protect our nation's waters," said Mannie. "Additionally, as a part of our work, we interact with numerous members of the public on a daily basis, and this opportunity to be the 'face of the Corps' allows us to positively influence the District's perception".

Kenny Jaynes, Mannie's supervisor and chief of compliance of the Regulatory Division believes that Mannie provides a professional and timely response to the public often, along with a wonderful sense of candor.

"He is an asset to the organization and aids in moving us from good to GREAT," said Jaynes.

Amongst many of his achievements, Mannie has earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology and Environmental Management in 1993 from South Dakota State University; and his Master of Science in Environmental Science in 1995 from Indiana University. He was also awarded a Commander's Award for Civilian Service in 2008 from New Orleans District for his work during Hurricane Gustav.

An outdoor enthusiast, Mannie spends much of his free time doing one of his many hobbies that include biking, running, swimming, hunting, fishing and completing obstacle course runs.