Greg Vallery, the Director of Public Works at Fort Hunter Liggett, is a winner of the 2017 FEDS Spotlight Award.
Fort Hunter Liggett is a United States Army Reserve-funded installation near Jolon, California.
The FEDS Spotlight Award is a new initiative of the United States Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). FEMP launched and presented the awards at the Energy Exchange conference in Tampa, Florida in August.
Winners hailed from 16 federal agencies including the Department of Defense, Environmental Protection Agency, National Records and Archives Administration, Department of the Interior, Department of Justice, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Vallery was one of 31 winners in the inaugural round of awards and one of two professionals from the Department of the Army to receive the accolade.
Federal agencies and FEMP personnel selected the recipients, who were described as "energy champions who embody the principles of efficient and innovative energy, water and fleet management by connecting, collaborating and conserving."
FEMP honored Vallery for his work to establish Fort Hunter Liggett as one of the Army's first Net Zero sites. During his tenure as Director of Public Works, Vallery has collaborated with the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to install eight megawatts of solar systems on post. He has partnered with other national laboratories, the United States Army Corps of Engineers - Huntsville's Center of Excellence, the Electric Power Research Institute and local utility providers to implement numerous projects that will reduce Fort Hunter Liggett's dependence on the municipal grid and bolster the installation's energy security for years to come.
With Vallery's dedication and innovation, Fort Hunter Liggett leads the Army Reserve in energy and water conservation and efficiency. The installation reduced its energy use intensity by 30 percent between fiscal year 2003 and 2015 and its potable water use intensity by 57 percent between fiscal year 2007 and 2015. Renewable technologies produce nearly 30 percent of the power on post.
As a Command, the Army Reserve reduced its energy use intensity by 17.9 percent between fiscal year 2015 and 2016 for a cost avoidance of $6.7 million, or the level of funding to produce nine training missions.
"It is truly an honor to have been nominated and selected by my fellow colleagues," said Vallery. "The collaborative team for the Army Reserve is pushing forward for our installations and facilities to be resilient and sustainable in supporting readiness of the warfighter."
Energy conservation and efficiency initiatives ensure that the Army Reserve's Soldiers have the energy that they need -- where they need it and when they need it, today and tomorrow, at Fort Hunter Liggett and around the world.
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