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Children gather at RIA-JMTC for 9th annual Safety Poster Contest

By Debralee BestSeptember 15, 2017

Children gather at RIA-JMTC for 9th annual Safety Poster Contest
Children of Rock Island Arsenal - Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center employees view their drawings displayed on poster board during the RIA-JMTC Children's Safety Poster Contest at RIA-JMTC, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, Aug. 22. (Photo by D... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, Ill. - Thirteen new posters hang in the hallways of Rock Island Arsenal - Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center (RIA-JMTC) following the ninth annual Safety Poster Contest.

School-aged children from kindergarten to 5th grade, and relatives of RIA-JMTC employees, drew safety pictures applying topics from fire safety, bike safety, seatbelts and a variety of other topics for submission to the contest, held Aug. 22 at RIA-JMTC, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois.

"Our employees think about safety just as much as they can while they're in the plant," Doug Hoffman, Co-Chair Voluntary Protection Program Steering Committee and event coordinator, RIA-JMTC, told the children during the event. "So, this is a program we've had (to encourage this)."

The event was not actually a contest and no prizes were given out, but each child received a safety coin, described their poster to the RIA-JMTC commander, Col. Kenneth W. Letcher, and went on a short tour of the factory, including the ambulance line.

"Your work helps us to stay safe so I appreciate your submissions," Letcher told the children at the event.

The posters will be on display in RIA-JMTC until next year's contest.