Managing computer systems wins AMCOM employee top personnel award

By Ms. Kari Hawkins (AMCOM)August 18, 2017

Lisa Hall
Lisa Hall, the information technology portfolio manager for the Aviation and Missile Command, is a recipient of the Louis Dellamonica Award for Army Materiel Command Outstanding Personnel of the Year. She is the first AMCOM employee to win the award ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Managing computer software systems and applications for the Aviation and Missile Command is normally a behind-the-scenes kind of job for information technology specialists.

But, thanks to a recent Army Materiel Command award received by AMCOM IT Portfolio Manager and team lead Lisa Hall, the command's Chief Information Office is getting some spotlight attention.

Hall was recently named as one of the recipients of the 2016 Louis Dellamonica Award for AMC Outstanding Personnel of the Year. The annual award recognizes AMC employees whose work accomplishments have significantly contributed to AMC's mission and overarching goals and objectives. Hall was among 11 employees in the AMC worldwide enterprise chosen for the award. She is the first AMCOM employee to win it since 2013.

"It feels good to know people appreciate what you do. I am really honored that what I do doesn't go unnoticed," Hall said of the award. "But, without the team I work with, this award would not have happened."

Hall was nominated for the Dellamonica Award by her supervisor, Joan McDonald, chief of the Enterprise Architecture Services Division.

"When you have an employee who is exemplary, this is a great way to let them know just how much you appreciate them," McDonald said.

"Ms. Hall has a highly complex and stressful job, however, when working with her you would never know it. She handles every situation with professionalism and tactfulness, and makes a positive impression on everyone she comes in contact with. Her job requires a meticulous mind with a knack for seeing issues, resolving them and implementing improvements on a daily basis. She is able to take complex guidance and articulate it in such a manner that the everyday employee understands it and can implement the guidance with ease."

Hall and her team of three IT specialists oversee requirements for a far-reaching network of computer systems and applications that support the AMCOM mission, including IT business systems that identify and mitigate maintenance related materials and products. The also oversee computer system that provide information on technical data packages, ammunition tracking, missile and aviation management tracking, aircraft maintenance and electronic repair manuals.

"We have 91 IT investments in the portfolio at AMCOM, to include Corpus Christi Army Depot, Letterkenny Army Depot and the Aviation Center Logistics Command at Fort Rucker," Hall said.

"We have to make sure those systems and applications meet government regulations and requirements. Without some of these systems, people couldn't do their job."

The systems managed by Hall and her team represent an annual budget of $113 million and involve system owners from 20 AMCOM organizations.

Besides ensuring these systems meet requirements, Hall's team also processes approvals for IT investment waivers to obtain funding approvals. Last year, they processed 350 waivers representing about $47 million.

Hall and her team recently had an IT portfolio review with system owners and the AMCOM chief of staff Col. Shawn Prickett to understand the significance of each system/application to AMCOM's mission.

"The Army is pushing portfolio reductions. We've reduced the IT portfolio quite a bit during the past five years, while still providing support to the mission," Hall said. "These IT systems are important, especially with manpower reductions and the need to do more with less. Shutting down some of these systems could have a huge impact. You can't complete the mission without IT."

Hall, who has a bachelor's degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Alabama in Huntsville, began her IT career at AMCOM seven years ago when she was provided the opportunity of managing multiple IT projects along with career progression. Before that she worked for 18 years as an IT contractor supporting NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.

Even though her focus is technical, Hall gets the most satisfaction from working with her team and interacting with AMCOM employees to provide needed support.

"Every day is interesting," she said. "And it can be really challenging. We have to achieve a balance between reducing the portfolio and providing justifications to keep systems or applications to support AMCOM's mission."

A positive attitude, attention to detail and ability to work with others are all essential to being successful, Hall said. Branching out and taking on additional responsibilities are always worthwhile, she said, adding that her experience in 2016 as a student in AMCOM's Leader Investment for Tomorrow program has prepared her to step into higher level leadership positions within AMCOM.

"I want to be able to make a difference and be a motivator, and create a work environment where people love their job," Hall said. "My supervisor, Joan McDonald, is like that. She is very motivating and a great person to work for. I would like to emulate that in my own career."

At home, Hall enjoys spending time with her husband and two sons. Her 17-year-old son has the family involved in the Hall Family Light Show, which is a popular Hampton Cove destination every holiday season. He has also gotten his mom involved in the Huntsville High School's Theater Booster Club, where she serves as its vice president.