UMBC: Training about breaching at Fort Leonard Wood

By Mrs. Valerie Collins (Leonard Wood)July 6, 2017

UMBC: Training about breaching at Fort Leonard Wood
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The 35th Engineer Battalion is the home of the Urban Mobility Breachers Course at Fort Leonard Wood.

Lt. Col. Michael Helton, 35th Engineer Battalion commander, said, "The mission of UMBC is to provide comprehensive training on the tools, skills and tactical considerations needed to successfully gain entry into buildings using techniques learned throughout the 10-day course."

Annually, 175 leaders, from all branches of service, are trained by UMBC instructors to become experts in four methods of breaching -- mechanical, ballistic, explosive and thermal.

UMBC recently made history by graduating the first enlisted female to ever attend the course. Pfc. Samantha Carrillo attended the course held June 19 through 30.

Helton said it was a milestone for the Engineer Corps and the Army as a whole.

He hopes more enlisted females are encouraged to take UMBC in the near future.

Sgt. 1st Class Geoffrey Davis said Carrillo "was involved throughout the entire course," which made her a great candidate to receive the Sapper Spirit Award.

"She clearly made an impression on her peers," Davis said.

Carrillo said she enjoyed the hands-on nature of the course and is excited to return to her unit at Fort Riley, Kansas, to apply what she has learned.

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Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood