Task Force dominates Fire Missions

By Spc. Ryan TatumJune 21, 2017

Task Force dominates Fire Missions
Staff Sgt. Cameron Holmes (right), a team chief from Company F, Task Force 1st battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, reads a firing mission to his soldiers on June 12, 2017 at Fort Stewart, Ga. Task Force 1-28 is an active duty component partnering with... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment trained up for their Gunnery Table XV June 12, 2017 at Fort Stewart, Georgia as part of the eXportable Combat Training Capability rotation.

The XCTC is a training exercise designed to engage the Georgia National Guard in vigorous training which is overseen by the 3rd Infantry Division.

Soldiers from Battery F, Task Force 1-28, are here to supplement for two infantry companies and simulate training soldiers on fire missions.

Task Force 1-28 receives their fire missions from the 1st Battalion, 118th Field Artillery Regiment, to train and get ready for Gunnery Table XV.

"Table XV gunnery is to certify the battery as a unit and how it operates," said Sujack, a platoon leader. "We are put to the test for 48 hours and at the end we come out on top certified and ready to deploy."

According to Sujack the battery has already completed some missions while being out here.

"Training is going well, we have already completed one live fire for Crusher Battery and getting ready for our Table XV certification which is at the end of the week," said Sujack.

The section consists of a section chief, ammunition team chief, gunner, two drivers, two round runners and an advance party member who goes out and scouts to make sure the equipment will function properly in the terrain.

Spc. Denton Lee, a gunner, enjoyed for a number of reasons.

"The level of training we conduct here within our unit is outstanding," said Lee. "We are always pushing ourselves to the limit seeing how much better can we perform. I would say the training here has definitely helped my career."

Lee went on to say what he likes most about his job and the thrill of it all.

"There is no better feeling than pulling the trigger and sending rounds down range," said Lee. "It's fast paced and I love it."