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Army Reserve working on integrating new profile system

By Mr. Russell Toof (99th RSC)June 13, 2017

Army Reserve working on integrating new profile system
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col. Anthony Russell, officer-in-charge of the U.S. Army Reserve's medical readiness training legacy profile team, conducts a class June13 at the Timmermann Center on Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey. Russell's team is providing training ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Army Reserve working on integrating new profile system
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col. Yves Gauvin, deputy surgeon for the U.S. Army Reserve's 99th Regional Support Command, attends training June 13 as Col. Anthony Russell, officer-in-charge of the U.S. Army Reserve's medical readiness training legacy profile team, provides traini... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

JOINT BASE MCGUIRE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -- Soldiers in the medical field from various Army Reserve units gathered here at the Timmermann Center for two days of training on the new physical profiling system as part of the Army's medical readiness transformation.

A profile is written to protect the Soldier from further exacerbating an injury or illness by performing the Army physical fitness test or other required duties as outlined by their military occupational specialty, such as heavy lifting or standing for long periods of time.

The new profile system provides clearer instructions and information to unit commanders on Soldiers' functional limitations and recovery timelines while tracking the number of days on profile.

"With this new system, it will integrate better with some of the other system, like the commanders portal, that are coming online," said Col. Anthony Russell, officer-in-charge of the medical readiness training legacy profile team.

"We're trying to establish a standard here in the Reserve utilizing the system put in place by big Army but tailored for the Reserve," he added.

"The changes will help streamline our work," said Master Sgt. Chris Orlando, chief medical noncommissioned officer at the 99th Regional Support Command.

The physical profiling system has undergone significant redesign to ensure Soldiers have a single, web-based profile that captures all permanent and temporary conditions.

"When we come to these individual units like this, we're showing them the mandated way that profiles need to be written in the new system," said Russell.

Any legacy profiles not transcribed into the new e-profile system by October 1 of this year, will automatically expire and the Soldier's duty limitations will no longer be reflected in the system. As directed by Army Directive 2016-07, all "legacy" profiles that were in e-profile prior to June 1, 2016 must be validated and, when applicable, re-entered in the new system.

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Army Reserve working on integrating new profile system