Military Spouse of the Year: "not for recognition"

By Christophe MorelJune 6, 2017

Military Spouse of the Year: "not for recognition"
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

BRUSSELS, Belgium - "It was absolutely amazing," said Ashley Clark about an adventure she will never forget. The overall 2017 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year was announced during a live VIP event hosted in Washington D.C., May 12.

Clark, who works alongside with Army Community Service and at the Provost Marshall Office in Brussels, attended the event. "I wanted to connect with other people to have more ideas, to learn and grow," she explained.

In D.C. she met other Military Spouses, business members and officials. "They all have the same motivation to do good amongst the military community. I was honored to be part of this group. It's an opportunity for everybody to come together, to network," she said.

The MSOY award was created in 2008 by Military Spouse magazine to "honor military spouses of all ranks and from all branches of service." In February, 43 spouses were selected across the department of defense and Ashley Clark was nominated and recognized as the 2017 USAG Benelux Spouse of the Year. "For me it's inspiration to continue doing what I am doing. It is that pat on the back that reaffirms that what I am doing is making a difference," Clark mentioned.

Six Branch Spouses were chosen after the first step of the contest. Clark was representing the Army but Cassaundra Martinez became the Army Spouse of the Year, and Brittany Boccher became the overall Military Spouse of the Year. "I wasn't disappointed. I do what I do not for recognition. I do what I do because it makes me feel good," Clark said.

"To bring people together"

Clark is passionate about every community she is a part of and has many strings to her bow. She co-led and assisted in the development of the Brussels American School International Families Group (IFG) and is a voting member in the Brussels American School Advisory Counsel / Installation Advisory Counsel (BASAC/IAC). She also volunteers within the PTSO and other school activities and with ACS.

Next summer, she will be attending Master Resilience Training in Germany.

As USAG Benelux Military Spouse of the Year, Clark wants to bring people together. She works with Soldiers and Military Spouses to reduce the feelings of isolation some people express.

According to her, it's essential to build resiliency amongst Spouses and Families, because it allows Soldiers to focus on their mission. "I want to reach those who perhaps are feeling isolated. I don't want anyone to ever feel like they are alone, unsupported. I want people to know I care about them, about what they are interested in," Clark said.

To meet her objective, she organizes resiliency events such as lunches or laser tag for the Soldiers and Families assigned to USAG Benelux-Brussels. "And sometimes it's just sitting down and listening to what is troubling someone and helping them to empower themselves to find a solution," she added.

14 moves!

The Clark family arrived in Belgium a year ago. Maj. Tobias Clark is the provost marshal at USAG Benelux-Brussels, the couple's 14th destination. The Military Spouses can deal with change. "All the places I have been, all the people I met, that shaped me into who I am today. I think I am a better person for it. I want to see the positive things, for example I try new food," Clark explained.

The couple just celebrated 18 years of marriage in January 2017. Clark knows that being a Military Spouse is not easy, and she hopes to help more and more people in the future. "A Military Spouse has to be strong," she said. "She has to be fun, to be able to see the good and the bad sometimes. A Military Spouse has to be real with their emotions, to be open and honest. A Military Spouse has also to be flexible," she added.

The Military Spouse is also the mother of three children. She doesn't know how long her family will stay in Belgium but she knows she will always be supported. "Where we are together, that is home," she said. "My son has an event, the Family goes and we cheer him on. I am organizing an international showcase, everyone pitches in to help. My husband has an event at work, we all go together and we support him. We celebrate the little things as a Family. We have a policy: our doors are always open. It doesn't matter if it's 3 o'clock in the morning. You have a work family, a home Family and all those agreements. But in the end, you all come together…""