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Fort Devens puts money where Soldiers' mouths are

By Mr. Shawn Morris (99th RSC)May 17, 2017

80th Training Command and 99th Regional Support Command's Best Warrior Competition - Obstacle Course
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FORT DEVENS, Mass. -- Both Napoleon and Frederick the Great are credited with coining the phrase, "An army marches on its stomach." Regardless of who actually spoke these words, the meaning holds as true today as it did in 19th century France, 18th century Prussia or at any time throughout history.

For service members taking advantage of the myriad training opportunities here, the dining facility's new food-service contract ensures that their meals are of the same world-class quality as their training.

"Meals are currently prepared and cooked by a contractor outside Fort Devens and delivered to the DFAC daily," said Amaury B. Ochart, Logistics Readiness Center director.

The latest contract took effect in March 2017 and has received overwhelming praise from those who have eaten at the DFAC since that time.

"As you read the comments from Food Services, you can see how the comments changed after the new food-service contract was in place," said Lt. Col. Charlette K. Woodard, Fort Devens garrison commander, as she shared dozens of positive reviews from service members who used the dining facility during the past two months.

The DFAC's mission is to improve overall quality and efficiency to the Army Food Service Program and the quality of life for the U.S. Army Reserve, and to ensure military personnel consuming their daily meals stay healthy and "Fit to Fight."

"DFAC upgrades are important because it makes Soldiers feel at home; they can focus on training without having to spend time searching for a place to eat outside Fort Devens," Ochart said. "We are always looking at ways to facilitate and improve support and quality of life to Soldiers and units already stationed at Fort Devens, as well as other potential units coming to be stationed or train here."

Fort Devens is located 40-miles west of Boston and is the major U.S. Army Reserve presence in New England. Its mission is to provide operational, training and logistic resources to tenant, transient-training and stationed units and area customers in order to support training, readiness and operational capability.

The installation supports more than 130,000 service members annually with 25 firing ranges, 24 training facilities, and 26 company-size training areas occupying 4,800 acres. The post has billeting for nearly 1,500 service members and provides a dozen classrooms with 700 computers, three Distributive Learning Center classrooms, six admin/supply bays, and a 250-person conference facility.

To learn more about Fort Devens, visit

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Fort Devens puts money where Soldiers' mouths are