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Garrison Stuttgart's Windows 10 Tiger Team roars into action

By 52nd Strategic Signal BattalionMay 17, 2017

Garrison Stuttgart's Windows 10 Tiger Team roars into action
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – U.S. Army Spc. Manuel Ramos, assigned to the 52nd Strategic Signal Battalion, 2nd Theater Signal Brigade, works as part of a "Tiger Team" to prepare more than 200 computers for installation of the new Microsoft Windows 10 operating system and deploym... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Garrison Stuttgart's Windows 10 Tiger Team roars into action
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Dexter Nelson, U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart S-6 Desktop Support, and Spc. Manuel Ramos, assigned to the 52nd Strategic Signal Battalion, 2nd Theater Signal Brigade, work as part of a "Tiger Team" to deploy hundreds of new computers and the new Micros... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

A small but dedicated group of information technology experts from the 52nd Strategic Signal Battalion, 2nd Theater Signal Brigade, and the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart S-6 Communications and Information Management section have formed a Tiger Team to tackle the daunting task of deploying hundreds of new computers and a new operating system to users in the Stuttgart area.

Tiger Teams are a group of experts brought together for a major event or task, in this case the reimaging of computers and deployment of the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system supporting users across Garrison Stuttgart, including the U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command headquarters.

In February the Garrison Stuttgart began lifecycle replacing all of its computers and reimaging them to Windows 10. Windows 10 is the new Microsoft operating system that improves customer experience while increasing the protection against computer vulnerabilities. To accomplish the task, the garrison information management officer, Lewis Grable, formed a Windows 10 Tiger Team consisting of network and information assurance division personnel from the garrison and from the 52nd Strategic Signal Bn.

The Tiger Team began with a delivery of 300 computers and accessories, including monitors, keyboards and mice. Each computer was connected to the network allowing the team to image up to 50 computers at once. The team ensures the computers work, have no issues with the new operating system and ready them for deployment to the customers.

Grable said that while the project has been a success, it has not been without its challenges.

"User education and comfort with the new operating system platform has been most challenging," Grable said.

In April Spc. Manuel Ramos and Spc. Alexandra Watson, both assigned to the 52nd Strategic Signal Bn., joined the Tiger Team adding additional capability, capacity and expertise to the team. Ramos and Watson worked under the direction of Dexter Nelson, Garrison Stuttgart S-6 Desktop Support, to image and deploy Windows 10 computers directly to customers' desks.

"The work that Dexter is doing here is absolutely top notch. When you see the fire inside of someone to get hard things done, like Windows 10 deployment, you want to pour kerosene on that fire," said Capt. Brown, an information systems engineer assigned to the 52nd Strategic Signal Bn.

Grable said the Tiger Team has been a success due to the professionalism and attitude of both the Garrison Stuttgart and 52nd Strategic Signal Bn. team members.

"The team have been strictly professional and have gone well above and beyond their expectation, while rapidly deploying 40 percent of USAG Stuttgart total inventory," Grable said.

The new systems are already showing great effect by improving customer experience while reducing computer vulnerabilities for users throughout the Garrison Stuttgart community. The Windows 10 Tiger Team is set to deliver an additional 200 computers to garrison customers by the end of May, with the entire project expected to be completed by September, Grable said.

For more information about the transition to Windows 10 go to the 2nd Theater Signal Bde. website at


2nd Theater Signal Brigade conducts Department of Defense Information Network operations to enable mission command in support of U.S. Army, Joint and multinational operations throughout the U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command areas of operation.

Related Links:

U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart

2nd Theater Signal Brigade

Microsoft Windows 10 transition

U.S. Army Europe

U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command