Fort A.P. Hill Firemen and Foresters train for tree-top rescue

By Michael MeisbergerApril 19, 2017

Fort A.P. Hill Firemen and Foresters train for tree-top rescue
U.S. Army Garrison Fort A.P. Hill Fire Captain Samuel H. Hill III sits suspended high above the forest floor between two trees during a five day combined training session where firefighters and foresters learn and practice climbing techniques, ropes ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Fort A.P. Hill Fire and Emergency Services along with members of the Forestry Division recently completed a five day combined training session with Rip Tompkins, a certified professional arborist.

This training provided Garrison personnel with various precision skill sets as well as hands-on training scenarios. Firefighters and foresters learned and practiced climbing techniques, ropes and rigging, precision felling, as well as rescue techniques of trapped or injured workers from elevated positions & locations.

Department of Defense agencies as well as other military assets with a similar training mission as Fort A.P. Hill also utilize professional arbor techniques to affect rescue operations.

This type of training has also aided greatly in the forming of the fire departments standard operating procedures for rescue of trapped or injured personnel from elevated locations.

Related Links:

Tree top rescue training photo album