Okinawa Soldier Runs Collection Drive for Children's Home

By Amanda M. RahimianApril 6, 2017

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Soldiers stationed at U.S. Army Garrison - Okinawa participated in a donation drive for a local orphanage during the month of March. Clothing, books, toys, blankets and food were just some of the items collected by Sgt. Quincy Williams, a Military Police desk sergeant. Items were then delivered to the Misato Jidoen Children's Home, located near Kadena Air Base.

Williams planned, coordinated, and executed the donation drive and delivery personally, noting that even the smallest actions have a large impact on the community.

"I asked myself what would make the community better as a whole," said Williams. "I wanted to show that Soldiers were doing something positive for the community."

Donations came in from all over the Army units in Okinawa.

"A lot of Soldiers are interested in helping to build a positive relationship with the community," Williams explained. Ten military police officers, including nine Soldiers and one Japanese national, dropped off the goods at the orphanage March 29.

The donations were well-received, with smiles and thankfulness from the orphanage managers and Soldiers alike.

"The orphanage already knew we would be dropping off our donations," Williams explained. "They were very thankful and asked that we continue bringing donations. We'd like to keep this program going in the future, to assist this children's home."

Williams is no stranger to organizing community events. He spent a month in Kumamoto, Japan last year while working as a part of a security element. During his time on mainland, he organized a joint event with the Japanese Military Police who helped teach local children in kendo -- a Japanese martial art. Williams and his Soldiers participated in kendo training with the children and then provided them with snacks as a way of gratitude for sharing their time and training with the U.S. Soldiers.

"The children were super excited; it was a very rewarding experience for me," he said.

The selfless service doesn't end here for Williams. He has plans for the community of Okinawa in the near future. He has seven additional community events planned for the upcoming year.

"Next up is a seawall clean-up next month. After that, I'd like to organize a Big Buddy program with the orphanage. I'd like to include book reading and have the kids interact with somebody older, so they have someone to talk to and look up to."

Williams' plans to help the community will continue to bring together Japanese locals and U.S. Soldiers.

"I just enjoy helping people. That's why I'm a Military Police officer; I love to serve and protect."